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Archive for the ‘Inspiration’ Category

Endless Summer And Fiesta

Thursday, September 1st, 2011

For the orange Twelve by Twelve colorplay challenge, I painted raw silk and silk organza with Dynaflow paints. I loved the fabric so much, I ended up creating two pieces. The above piece was created by cutting strips of the painted fabric and fusing the composition and then machine stitching.

Here is the raw silk fabric that I painted.

Here is a detail:

As I was working on this, I kept having a flashback to a memory of something. It finally came to me. When we were a young married couple, Mr C and I fell in love with a certain poster that brought a bit of summer to our Schenectady, NY home. So I have named this piece, Endless Summer.

I love painted organza. I have made many pieces with it.

I painted some batting with the orange Dynaflow. I scrunched the organza and pleated it and ironed it and pinned it.

I then started stitching by hand with Perle cotton. I finished it late last night. Whew! I thought perhaps I should name it Insanity, but instead, it has the fun name, Fiesta.

Here is a detail:

Now, I have to decide which one joins the Twelve by Twelve group. Do you have an opinion?

Reminder: if you haven’t left a comment for a chance to win Masters Art Quilts Vol 2, go to yesterday’s post and add your two cents. The drawing will be on Tuesday.

A Clean Slate

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

I love my print table cloth. I finally got everything put away from my print table and my ironing/design table today. I washed the coverings. As I was putting this back on the print table, it made me smile. I had to take a photo.

I have been creatively frozen, and I know it was because of the mess in  my studio. I went down early this morning and went to work. It did not take that long once I got going. While I was cleaning, I was also grabbing fabrics for the sage/blue/brown colorplay challenge. I thought I would need to go shopping for some fabric. Instead, I carefully went through my stash.

I added these to my pile of fabrics.

These colors definitely say landscape to me so that is my plan. Tonight, I mocked up a possible scene. I think it is going to work.

And, yes, that messy studio was holding me back. I wish I could be more organized as I work, but then, I wouldn’t be me.

Attention Deficit Disorder

Tuesday, January 25th, 2011

I am being pulled in too many directions or maybe I just can’t focus. I talked to Steph on the phone today,  and she is having the same problem, but she has two children to tend to so I think she is being too hard on herself.

I have had a lot of little website things to do. I always feel compelled to do them as soon as they come in. It has been a constant string of interruptions today. I had planned some studio time, but I never made it until tonight.

Oh, here is another thing. I know that someplace in my studio, I have a piece of hand-dyed cheesecloth in browns and oranges. I think that Kristin sent it to me with some other hand-dyed fabrics. I wanted to use it as another layer for the orange and brown woven background. I have wasted so much time looking for it. Now, I am trying to remember if I used it on another piece.

So, I was looking around and saw an onion bag that I had been using for surface design. I cut some strips and pinned it to the background. I also cut up some green painted lutradur which I glued down. I started handstitching it with the perle cotton that is in the photo.

I think it is a good exercise for me to keep working on this and find ways to make it more interesting.

In the meantime, I am really anxious to get to work on the organza water piece. I am just in love with the way the painted organza looks. I started cutting strips to piece for my little pockets. The due date has been changed to March 1st – which is part of the reason I was busy updating the website today. However, I have other deadlines so I am going to get this done as soon as I can.

Yesterday, I went to my first Palates class. I can walk today, but I sure am feeling it. I really enjoyed the camaraderie with the other women who were essentially in my age division. I am going back tomorrow morning.

Today, on my walk with Scooter, I took some photos of the rain forest effect that we have going on here with all the rain and the mild temperatures.

A mossy walkway.

A mossy stone wall.

Ferns growing in trees.

Searching for Inspiration

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010

I have really lost my way. I think a few things have conspired to make me lose my confidence. I have gotten too many rejections. I am looking at my work and wondering if I took off in the wrong direction with the aspen pieces. Should I go back to doing more abstract work? Then, I get hung up when I attempt to start a new piece. To make a long story short, I have just felt lost in my studio for some time. Except for my little fiber sketches, I have been catatonic. I probably should take a look at some of those for inspiration.

Anyway, I decided that I needed a fiber project that was non-threatening. Jane LaFazio posted about coasters that Alisa Burke made from some scraps that Jane gave her. You can see her tutorial on her blog. I made mine slightly differently than Alisa.

I knew there was a reason for hanging on to these denim pieces I cut off my Mom Jeans this summer.

I made 4 pieces of denim background from the two cut-off legs. I then covered a piece with fused scraps and ironed them down.

I then revved up the Janome and free motion quilted the whole piece.

At this point, you could cut the coasters and finish the edges, but Alicia had the great idea of covering them with tulle and stitching again – in a straight line grid. I did this, too and very much like the effect. I used red tulle and black to white gradated thread.

I will zigzag the edges to finish them. I think it would be nice to leave some of the denim showing, as Alicia did. This would work very nicely with a felt base. Lots of options.

Yesterday, Robert Genn, in his letter, had 3 solutions to fighting the blues for a Scottish artist:

The sherbet cure. Like sherbet after the main course, take a couple of days of de-briefing. Intense influence has scrambled your cerebral neurons. You need to re-boot. I’d take a long walk in the heather and top it off with a few single malts. Near Inverness, I know just the places.

The solitary confinement cure. While any sort of intensity and learning is great, an artist also needs a private vacuum in which to gather thoughts and re-unite with personal processes. In the words of the writer Annie Dillard, “You need a room with no view so memory can meet imagination in the dark.” Leaving your intense experience and exciting environment behind, your work must now come out of you. Too many lambs spoil the haggis.

The forced beginning cure. This is where you puff yourself up, squeeze paint and dig in. Awkward at first, the processes that sustained you before, augmented by what you have recently learned, will gradually take over and you’ll be your old self again. You must know that people have risen again in their studios after a bout of major trauma. It’s been done before.

So, I tried the forced beginning cure tonight. However, I kind of like the first one that involves some single malt.

I had a full day today of getting some things checked off my to do list. And then an evening in the studio. It was a good day.

Here I Am!

Monday, October 11th, 2010

I stitched all week-end and finally realized that I was totally crazy to think I could finish this by today! I have so enjoyed the sitting and stitching. I will take this to California with me this week and continue stitching and hope to enter it in another show later this year.

I ran out of the perfect Valdani embroidery thread and couldn’t find a local store that carries it so I ended up with another brand that has a slightly different colorway, but I think it is blending nicely.

Lisa drove back here last night and since her flight wasn’t until tonight, I got to spend the day with her. She is in a show at Flora, here in Portland, so we went down to check it out since she missed the opening on Friday night.

Here are some pretty photos I took at the store which has lots of natural elements.

Lisa’s friend, Trish, met us there and then took us to a nice little Vegan restaurant in the Pearl. I had a delicious bowl of chili and a Marionberry lemonade.

After some shopping and roaming around town, we picked up Stephanie and went to M & M’s school to surprise them. They love their Aunt Lisa.

The kids showed us their crazy bands (colorful rubberband shapes) while we had an after school snack of edamame.

Here are Lisa and Mia checking out photos on her camera.

All of a sudden we realized that Lisa needed to get her bags and get to the airport. Fortunately, the airport was pretty quiet and she made her flight because we were a bit behind schedule.

I need to get moving and finish packing up. We are leaving for California in the morning. I am going to be at PIQF on Thursday so let me know if you are going to be there. Our High Fiber Diet show, Bird’s Eye View, will be there.