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Archive for June 1st, 2009

Pop Art Identity

Monday, June 1st, 2009


The Twelve by 12 group had the theme of identity for this month’s challenge. I had to get mine done early because of the trip to Kansas City. To execute this, I did a thumb print which I scanned and played with in Photoshop. I zoomed into the center whorl. I printed the patterns on Wonderunder and fused the pattern to the fabric and then fussy cut the pattern using small scissors and and Exacto knife. This was then fused to the complement fabric. I hand dyed the fabric and purchased matching thread so that the stitching would not interfere with the pattern. I flipped the thumbprint for two of the blocks to create the undulating pattern.

Here is a detail.


You can read more about it on the Twelve by 12 blog and see the amazing pieces done by the other 11. I am always so impressed with the thought that they put into their work.

Today I took a class on photography textiles. So, I have no photos!! But I learned a lot about my camera and using the manual setting and also about lighting a piece. I thought shooting work outside in the shade was sufficient, but no!! I will be getting proper lights, soon.

In lieu of my own photos, I will share a couple of photos taken by my adorable friend from Toronto — Anu. She is home now and e-mailed some photos she took. Here are the two of us, which she took to show her husband. I have loved meeting the young members, especially the student members.


Here is a photo she took of Judy and I at the picnic on Thursday evening.


I am going home tomorrow. Woo hoo. Can’t wait.