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Archive for September 13th, 2009

Fusion Fun

Sunday, September 13th, 2009


I am so exhausted and my darn hip is causing pain so I am not sleeping very well. There is so much to do and yada yada yada — you don’t want to know all that do you.

I managed to complete 4 fusion pieces in Laura’s class. I forgot to take my camera yesterday so I just got around to photographing them. The top is a fusion of wool fibers with bits of thread an ephemera thrown in. You can click on these for a more detailed look. Here is the other side and a detail:



I will probably be adding some more marks to this with paint and stitching and maybe some beads.

This is the second piece; this one has tea paper on the bottom side.



The third piece is black, red and white roving and thread on cheese cloth. I don’t know what I will do with this one. Here are the two sides.



The last piece is made with luscious roving with lime green and purple that one of the other participants traded me for some cheese cloth!! I added some skeleton leaves and bits of lime green curly yarn.



Laura also showed us how to make the folding book sculptures like these. I plan to make one for our next High Fiber Diet show. Bird’s Eye View.

Yesterday, my son arrived to help get ready for the festivities that start on Thursday. Today, Mr C and I drove out to Erath vineyards to pick up some wine for the Friday night dinner. Then, we went to the first night of puppy school for Scooter, sans Scooter. We have to do some work with him this week before he can go to class. I have to go out and buy a clicker and special treats and Tuesday, we will start the training. I really need something else to do this week!