about the artist

Archive for April 29th, 2012


Sunday, April 29th, 2012

Look at little miss personality!! She is starting to smile and react to Mark and Jayme, showing a delightful personality.

And, oh, how I love this photo of Daddy and his little girl. I may have to make a trip to SF, soon!

When last I checked in, Thursday, I think. I thought I was making good progress with the Filemaker data base for our art show. Unfortunately, on Friday, I found some major bugs in our system. One major problem was that the scanner was not connecting to the database properly. I create bar codes for each piece of art. When someone brings it to the sales table to buy, we want to scan the bar code on the art and have the artwork detail open up to show that it has been sold. It was not working and my consultant and I were both tired and cranky by Friday afternoon. I felt so defeated and dissolved in tears — total melt down. Mr C calmed me down and asked if he could take a look at what was happening. Every bar code begins with 12 for this year, and he figured out that the software was only reading the first number and would open up the first work of art no matter which bar code was scanned. If I pasted a whole bar code into the the slot, it would work perfectly. I e-mailed this bit of info to my guru who fixed it and two hours later, it was working perfectly. I went to bed, a happy woman.

The other problem is with the gallery labels, but I think I can fix that by doing a data merge instead of using the labels generated by Filemaker. Last week was a very difficult week for me as I had to be in left brain mode most of the time and it is not my best MO!!

I took some bits of time to work on my map for the Tuesday reveal and to make some 3 x 3s. Tomorrow will be dedicated to machine quilting my map piece.

Here are two more purples:

Only one more purple day. What will may be — green or orange?