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Archive for December 13th, 2012

Party On

Thursday, December 13th, 2012

yellow-green 12

My week of partying and hobnobbing is coming to an end. I need to settle down and finish my plans for the upcoming holidays and the arrival of the family!

Yesterday, I attended Columbia FiberArts Guild with a lecture by Janice Arnold who does mind boggling enormous felted installations. It was very inspiring to hear how she got started and her path to creating these installations. It was also our annual silent auction and I scored some hand-dyed fabric and a lovely black felted purse. Then, it was out to lunch with some friends. I spent the rest of the day getting Kelp Dance shipped to North Carolina for the PAQA South ArtQuiltsWater exhibit.

Today, was the annual STASH outing. We had lunch at a Peruvian restaurant, Andina. Very delicious food and an exchange of gifts.  Here are Terry, Reva and Suzy having a good laugh – there was lots of that.


Then we did some roaming around the Pearl district. I found a new nativity from India in the Cargo Import store.


Tonight, my friend, Kimberly, picked me up and we drove over the river to Vancouver to see a presentation by Bonnie Bucknam at the Clark County Quilter’s meeting. I love her quilts and so it was very inspiring to hear how she creates her beautiful quilts.

Tomorrow, I start physical therapy for my hip pain, which has been better, but I still have days when it is very bothersome and I need to use the cane.

I have made some progress on Paige’s Christmas stocking. I am worried about when I get to the heel. I haven’t done one in so long, but I only have about 10 days left to get this done.



Here is today’s 3 x 3.

yellow-green 13