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Archive for March, 2016

I’m Back

Thursday, March 10th, 2016


I have not been a good blogger this week, I know. On Friday, I was hit with a vertigo attack due to allergies causing a major sinus infection. I spent most of the past week in bed as it was the only way to deal with the vertigo. Yesterday, I got up and went to a guild meeting, came home and took a nap and then went to Trinity for our textile printing class. Today, I am feeling pretty good. Have not had to take a nap!

I thought I would share some of the work our students did last night, including the piece at the top.








You can see the people got adventurous, using more than one color.

Next week is the last week. Five weeks has gone by pretty fast!

Yesterday, Ann Johnston was our guest speaker at guild meeting. She told us about the conception and creation of her High Sierra series. They are huge pieces and based on the geology. She has put so much thought into the work. Just wonderful and inspiring.

Printing Workshop #3

Thursday, March 3rd, 2016


We are moving right along. Last week my thermofax overheated and melted the screen material. Last night, when I tested it, the dang light, that burns the image did not go on. Then it went on half way through the process, burning only half an image. We found a way to work around that. I also found out that the laser copier at Trinity was producing really strong carbon images and I needed to turn the thermofax down. Then we had a great night. I love the image up there that Wendy made and printed on black with white paint.

She also has been experimenting with layering images which is something I have tried to encourage.


This is James, who moved here from New Zealand last year. He loves taking art classes and being with other folks. His mother is a sometimes quilter. I just love James!!


Steve did this very successful zebra print and layered in some grasses.


Scott did this musical layered print using some nice clip art.


I threw together this collage of leaves which I am hand-stitching to show them how they can use their prints to make a piece of art. Not sure that many of them will get to this point!


I have been sooo busy with SDA work. We have a deadline for entering an exhibit tomorrow and lots of people are joining and renewing so that they are eligible. So, too much computer time.  I did make it down to the gym to do 20 minutes on the bike.

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016
