about the artist

Starting Something New

I finished the edges of the Kelp Dance piece and it is ready to photograph and submit to PAQA South Artquiltswater.

Trinity has one of the best organs in the country, from the Rosales Organ company. It is 25 years old, and we are having lots of celebrations over the coming year. One event is a juried art show with the theme, A Lively Wind That Woke Creation. Artists can go with the wind theme or create some aspect of the organ. I decided to do a piece using the organ pipes as a design element.

I took this photo with my iPhone.

I then played around with different crops and came up with this one that I like.

I played around with the photo in Photoshop Elements.

Here are the fabrics that I have pulled out to work with.

I want to play with the shapes in the photo and not be realistic with the colors. I am looking forward to having some fun with this.


One Response to “Starting Something New”

  1. Jeannie says:

    What a gorgeous organ! You could form a body of work just around the architecture of the organ. Have fun!