about the artist

Disaster Area – Where is FEMA?

I am feeling like myself again – headache is gone – cricket sounds in the head are gone – vertigo is gone!! But, I have discovered a disaster area in my studio as I have come and gone and finished projects in a stupor. Look! I’m not kidding.




I had to get this sorted out and cleaned up or there will be no creating going on here. I set the timer for half an hour and dug in. I then took a 15 minute break. I kept going like this with time off to walk the dog and eat lunch.





That is better, just don’t look under the table. Steve says it keeps getting more crowded here in my studio. He is right. I keep acquiring stuff. When we put the house on the market, I will have to pack everything up and put it in storage, take down the design wall and give up quilting until the house is sold. I am so looking forward to buying a house with a big studio and storage for all my stuff.

Tomorrow, I plan to make some stuff.

7 Responses to “Disaster Area – Where is FEMA?”

  1. ~Vicki says:

    I always enjoy reading your blog! Other people’s creative spaces intrigue me. I’m still trying to figure out what to do with all my fabric. I had a huge loft studio with lots and lots of built-ins in my old house, but I’ve converted an unused bedroom in the new place and it doesn’t even have a closet. Do you mind if I ask, just how do you organize your fabrics? or is that a forbidden subject! (wink)

  2. Lisa says:

    i need you to come over and help me do the same to my studio!! it is the only disaster area in my house. the timer idea is a good one. i should try that–it might actually work for a lot of things i avoid but need to do. hmmm.

  3. Deborah says:

    no no no, I refuse to pack up my stuff and clean the studio just because our house is for sale. I did put it all neatly in my studio closet and I’m just working on small pieces… but I still have to *live* in my house. I hope you’ll be able to find a balance too, when the time comes.

  4. lizzieb says:

    this is too funny Gerrie…your messy studio looks like mine when it is clean! Need a project to do?

    Glad you are feeling better!

  5. DebR says:

    Oh my, it looks so good! Yay you for accomplishing so much!!

    My studio is the one room I haven’t touched the past couple of days, other than to sweep the floor. Oh well, the door closes. 😉

  6. mary manahan says:

    Good job, Gerrie! I’m glad you are feeling better…

  7. You are so smart to set the timer and take breaks, less fooling around and more clearing away time.
    I am inspired, and isn’t this reciprocal from a time when I cleaned my studio. Ah the connections we form!