about the artist

A Beauteous Day

I had to get up early this morning to walk Scooter since Mr C spent the night in Corvallis where he has been for 3 days starting his new consulting gig. It was a beautiful morning and the birds were singing. I took this photo which was an omen of the beautiful day to come.

Later, when I was washing dished in the kitchen, facing SW, the sun was so bright, I felt as if I needed sun glasses!! However, when I took Scooter out again, just before lunch, this was the scene to the south.

The clouds looked menacing, but  dissipated. At 4:30 pm, when I took Scooter out, there was a beautiful sunset from the Rhodie Garden.

Mr C arrived home, just as we walked back to the house. Scooter was very happy to see his other person. He kept running back and forth between us!

I can’t believe that I am running out of days for red 3 X 3s. Today’s is up at the top and here is yesterday’s-

I am trying to decide if I want to work my way around the color wheel or mix it up and do a random choice or go across the color wheel to the complement. I am feeling like I would like to go to the cool side for awhile.

Happily, the cold I thought I was getting did not materialize. I saw my dermatologist yesterday for a check-up. I had to have a suspicious mole on my upper chest biopsied. It was a tiny little thing. I hope it is negative. Then, I went to Kaiser Vision Center and ordered some cool red glasses. I have missed having red glasses! Today, I got the color on my hair refreshed. I am looking good!

4 Responses to “A Beauteous Day”

  1. I love feeling like that. I have often thought “I am looking good!” I’m glad you posted. I’m looking forward to one of those days, soon.

  2. kathy says:

    Love this red/turquoise felted piece, Gerrie!

  3. dee says:

    I’ve decided,based on your and Terry’s description, that we are having winter as it is in Portland, Oregon. Glorious January in NY.
    I’m loving your little 3s. A shot of red this time of year is welcome too.

  4. Jeannie says:

    You always look good! I like the 3’s today, full of color and movement. Today was spectacular, wasn’t it? Melting snow and brilliant sunshine made me take my lunch outside to sit in the sun. I even went to see if some early crocus were peeking out – no! Soon, I hope. Have a wonderful weekend!