Yesterday, I spent the day with a crew from my guild, hanging quilts that have been entered in the county fair. I was so tired last night that I didn’t even get up for my once or twice bathroom trip!! I came home and made Pizza Margherita with whole wheat dough from Trader Joe’s. Steve accused me of being grumpy – I think I was. Went to my room and watched Six Feet Under and unquilted a piece I am working on. I wasn’t happy with the quilting.
Here are pics of my day yesterday. Here you see piles of quilts which have been judged.

Our first job is to sort them by size and staple the ribbons on the tags.

Here are the guys on the cherry picker hanging the first quilt.

We decide where to hang the quilts and get them on the right size pole. Then we hand them off to the guys who graciously follow our instructions which sometimes means taking down a quilt and hanging another because we didn’t like the way it looked.

See, here is a group assessing the situation.

This was a crowd favorite. She had machine quilted it on a regular size machine and it looks fabulous.

In addition to hanging quilts from the beams, we also hang them on the walls.

;Here is a long view of the quilts hanging from the beams. The quilt in the center won Best of Section and Best Hand Quilting. It was done by a member of my guild. She does exquisite hand quilting and wins this award every year.

On the tables above, you can see all of the assorted home dec stuff that was entered – knitting, weaving, tole painting, scrapbooks etc., etc. My friend Pat wasn’t there to help me give the award for the tackiest item in the room so I decided not to reveal my choice. Instead, I will show you these felted dolls that I think are so adorable. I took the picture for my daughter, Steph. I think she should make some.