Terry tagged me to write seven random things about myself that you don’t already know. This is what she said: “I’m sure there must be at least seven things we don’t all know yet.” Am I that transparent?
- I was born at home six months after my parents were married. I found this out when I was 9 or 10 years old and found the marriage certificate and did the math.
- I was valedictorian of my class and I still have the notes for my speech which was about continuing learning after high school, even if you don’t have the opportunity to go to college.
- I have held a job or been a working stay-at-home-mom since I was 15. I lived with our high school music teacher and his wife who taught piano after school. I baby sat and cooked dinner. I earned $5.00 a week plus room and board. In college, I waited tables in the dorm and later worked in the cafeteria in the Home Ec college. One of our frequent diners and a really sweet guy, was the famous physicist, Hans Bethe.
- I played first clarinet in the band and orchestra. I sang in two choruses and the church choir.
- I was a cheerleader. Which one am?
- Between my sophomore and junior years in college, I was Miss Cincinnatus and runner-up for Miss Cortland County. Here I am in the Fourth of July parade in my hometown. My mother was furious with me for cutting off my hair a la Audrey Hepburn!
- I hardly ever remember my dreams, but when I do they are so vivid I never forget them.
Now, I have to tag 7 people. Here I go, hope you have not already been tagged. Kristin, Deborah, Judy, Debra, Deb R, Dee, and Artful Quilter’s List Mom, Diane.
I spent yesterday in bed with an elevated temperature and general malaise. I am trying to get back to normal today. Everything is a mess, the weather is gorgeous and the dog beckons.