Today, Mr C and I took a short drive to The Bishop’s Close. It is a beautiful estate on the Willamette River. It was bequeathed to the Bishop of the diocese of Oregon. The current bishop has his office there. The gardens are open to the public. It has a beautiful walking trail which meanders through a rock garden and by several water features, with views of the river and the vistas to the East. This was the view of Mt. Hood on this sunny afternoon.
Purple Crocuses were everywhere. Daphne was starting to bloom and gave off a wonderful scent.
I loved this mossy rock garden.
I think these are Manzanita which were on the trail closest to the river.
Here is the actual building that the garden’s surround.
All of the photos can be seen on my Flickr site.
I finished my homework for Lizzie’s class, week 4, on Saturday. I’m having so much fun doing these exercises. Otherwise, I have spent a lovely week-end off. Tomorrow, I have a meeting in the morning, homework to do for my EFM church history class and the class in the evening. Tuesday, I will be back at work, creating.