Spring arrives tonight, and it is in evidence all over my neighborhood. Spring is pink season in Portland. We even have pink snow. These are clickable to see larger. There are more photos on my Portland Pink Season Flickr set.
I was so inspired by the pink that I made a pink season collage, using some of my vintake kimono fabrics. The background is hand-dyed. I think I will add some beads to this.
I also finished the other collage that I started at the beach. These both need some stitching.
Steph, Jack and M & M are taking a red-eye to North Carolina tonight. Mr C is taking them to the airport. There was no room for me in the car. I will miss having them here for Easter, but I have a good excuse not to buy candy!
I didn’t lose any weight at WW, but that is ok considering my diet over the week-end. Today, I got my hair cut by Kevin at Carpe Diem. I really like the cut. I think I finally found someone who understood what I wanted – a no-nonsense haircut.
I was able to score tickets to see and hear Obama on Friday morning here in Portland and then I remembered that I have crit group at Terry’s. I am a bit disappointed, but it has been really difficult for us to find a time when we can all be there.