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Archive for October, 2008

Blog Action Day

Wednesday, October 15th, 2008

Poverty — a problem in our nation and the greater world that is not going to get better any time soon. Mr C works as the volunteer coordinator for our food pantry at Trinity Cathedral. They have seen an uptick in the number of young people and women with children. It used to be homeless men. As the economy spirals down and jobs are lost, poverty will again become a huge problem for the US.

Out nation’s food banks are finding their shelves becoming empty as the need to help those facing poverty increases. If you do nothing else, I would ask that you go to this site: Feeding America and find your local food bank and make a donation of food or cash. If you belong to an organization, encourage them to collect food and  money for the local food bank.

The program that I am putting my energy into is the Backpack for Kids program. On Thursday afternoons, we fill backpacks with non-perishable food. They are given to at risk kids on Friday to take home so that they have enough to eat over the week-end. They get breakfast and lunch on the school days, but can be at risk of going hungry over the week-end. They bring the backpacks back on Monday.

So, let me know what you are doing to help fight poverty in your neighborhood or worldwide.

A Good Mail Day

Tuesday, October 14th, 2008

Since yesterday was a holiday for the USPS, I received a pile of birthday cards today. Amongst them was this delicious post card created by my good friend Karoda.This is so beautiful with text, paint, handstitching, yum! Thanks!

And this arrived from Hawaii from my virtual quilt daughter, Kristin. Isn’t this the cutest pin cushion? Thank you!!

It is sitting on a pile of books in my studio. I am going to take these to Powell’s book store to see what I can get for them. I am in the midst of rearranging my studio. I am liking the new arrangement, but it is taking me forever to get it done. I hope to get it in order to start some creating tomorrow afternoon.

Remember this scary site?

Well, look at who showed up on the UPS truck today. She looks like a brand new doll. She had her hair done and got a cleaning plus getting her new arm. She is wearing a hospital gown and wristband and is carrying a get well balloon. How cute is that? Miss Mia is coming after school tomorrow to take her home. Mission accomplished!

The Celebrating is Winding Down.

Monday, October 13th, 2008

Steph made a delicious dinner last night. We had artichokes for dipping before dinner and beef stew with noodles and salad and bread for dinner. I picked out my own birthday cake at Baker and Spice, a bakery owned by the daughter of our friends, Cheryl and Dave. It was an almond cake with mascarpone frosting. It had 7 candles. Isn’t that a cute cake bearer? The cake was delicious.

I need to rewind back to Friday. I had been to critique group with Terry, June and Mary. When I arrived home, I found a pile of packages. Here is my embarrassment of riches.

Judy, one of the co-conspirators of my birthday blog, sent me one of her fabulous Complexitees. I stood in the kitchen, whipped off the top I was wearing and put this on.This is not a great photo, but you can see it on Judy’s blog, where she says it is for a sale at her church. Ha!! Thanks, Judy!!

In the next package, I found this wonderful little house quilt wall hanging from my doppelganger friend on Long Island, Dee. I just love the colors in this — brown, turquoise and lime green. This is going in my bedroom. Thank you, Dee!!

Last, was a box containing a multitude of delights for a fiber artist. It was from another of the co-conspirators, Jeanne, who does not have a blog. She lives up in Washington State. There was a fabulous, embellished felted bowl with beads and yarns and beautiful buttons. I thought about trying this as a hat because it is so cool!

There were gorgeous hand-dyes.

And vintage Japanese fabrics. These will all be put to good use. Thank you, Jeanne.

On Saturday, Mr C and I drove out to the Erath Vineyards for the Cellar Society tasting and picked up our wines for this quarter. It was a gorgeous drive. We could see Mt. Hood from way out on the Western Side. You can just barely see it, if you click on the photo, it is just left of center.

Here is a closer view. But, it is only half of the Mt. there on the left!! Ha!

OK, now here is a great shot taken on the drive home.

I love taking photos of the elusive mountain.

On Saturday night, Mr C took me out for a nice dinner.

Thank you to everyone for making my birthday special.

Still Crazy After All These Years

Sunday, October 12th, 2008

I woke up this morning and I did it! I turned 70 and I’m still going. Look out 80, here I come. Some may wonder why this is such a big deal for me. It is because I do not have a lot of relatives who have live to 70 and been as healthy and alive as I am. My mother and her sisters were afraid to get their heart beating by walking up a hill. They ate poor diets and suffered from heart disease and diabetes. I decide in my 40s that I would buck the trend. I did fairly well for quite a while. A few bouts of breast cancer didn’t get me. I put on too much weight because I became too sedentary when I retired, and I lived in the hot, muggy south for 6 years.

Two years ago, I lost my younger brother from a heart attack. It really hit me hard. I became very depressed and convinced myself that I was sure to follow him at any time. Every little twinge set me on edge. I had vertigo from sinus problems, but I was sure it was my heart making me dizzy. It was not a good time for me.

Somehow, I pulled myself out of it. I headed off to Weight Watchers. I started walking 10,000 steps a day with the help of my pedometer. I had hoped to lose 50 pounds by today. I only lost 20, but I am feeling very successful, anyway. I told Mr C that I feel healthier today than I did 5 years ago. I have more energy and more zest for life. I have plans and goals. I join many other women of my age who are volunteering, creating and living very full lives.

So, I have decided that getting old is not so bad. In fact, it is quite liberating. I get a kick out of being told by my young doctor, the checker at Cosco, the United Airlines clerk and many others that I do not look my age. But, believe me, this is not a family trait. Right now, I am feeling like a very lucky anomoly, but I will take it!!

I am so blessed with a husband who makes all things a possibility for me. A family that loves and cares for me and makes me proud, every day. Friends with whom I can commiserate, laugh, cry, create, critique, eat, drink and be merry. And a God who blessed me way beyond a young girl’s dreams.

And here I am today, Lisa calls this – headphones, computer, 70 and in the know. This is what I look like when I get up in the morning and I hope know one is watching!

Some of my blog friends created a birthday blog with beautiful and funny greetings. My bff, Terry, also posted a beautiful bit about my birthday, today. Thanks, to all of  you!! I will post more tomorrow about the great mail that arrived on Friday and the nice day that Mr C and I had yesterday.

Second Thursday

Friday, October 10th, 2008

STASH stands for second Thursday at someone’s house. Sometimes, we actually meet then! Yesterday, we met at Gale’s new home. She has moved back from Astoria on the coast. She has a serious medical condition that requires drug infusions here in Portland. We are so happy to have her back in the hood!! Her home is perfect for a wheel-chair — one floor — with easy access to her beautiful backyard.

The group treated me to a really lovely birthday gift. This book of photographs of creches from all over the world. I love it.

Terry gave me this lovely lily and Gale gave me some roses from her new backyard.

I finally got around to giving Reva her gift from the APNQ show. She couldn’t go with us so I promised her a pressie. It was a half yard of this fabric. She said her husband thought it was hysterical.

Gale’s new home is near the Oregon College of Arts and Crafts (OCAC) where there is wonderful cafe. We went there for lunch. I couldn’t resist a photo of this fence in the parking lot. I don’t know about you, but I see quilt!!

I have to run; I have crit group in an hour and I am not even dressed.