First, a feeling of elation to see the pieces hanging. Then, a let down as I realize that I have been consumed by this and now, it is over. I tried to take some photos, but the lighting was pretty bad. The art work lights were on, but the general lighting was not on.
I could not have hung another piece, without it looking very crowded. I did a journal page with photos for each section, I received lots of positive comments from those walking through the hall. Sunday morning, I am doing a gallery walk at 9 am, then we have the reception at 1 pm. It will be a long day.
Here is how we hung them. Mr C made slats with screw eyes on the end for each piece. Then we strung wire between the two screw eyes. Then we stapled the wire to the wooden slat through the sleeve, 2 inches from the center on each side. On the larger pieces, we put in more staples.
Here is the hook from which the are hangs. It is attached to a rail at the top of the panels.
Here is the quilt hung on the hook.
Tonight, I got organized to start processing registrations tomorrow morning. It is supposed to rain buckets tonight and tomorrow so I might as well be sitting around doing paper work. We are offering registration and workshop confirmation via e-mail for the first time this year. I was amazed at how many want the e-mail. I got the pdfs set up and I think I can make that go quite fast. I also have to process all of the credit cards on line. Just so you know, I won’t be far from the ‘puter for the next few days.