about the artist

Archive for July 30th, 2009


Thursday, July 30th, 2009


Tonight, I spent a couple of hours going through boxes and albums of old photos, looking for inspiration for an art piece I want to create. My emotions ran the gamut. It is especially mind boggling to see the younger, thinner, more attractive me. I can’t remember where I took this photo, I think it might have been in North Carolina. I wonder if Frank still loves Irma.

I found this photo taken at a conference in Hawaii. The first person to guess who is hugging me, might get a prize. I loved this photo when I developed it. I had a friend take the photo and I had no idea that Mr C was walking up on the love fest. There was a slight crease in the photo so I look as if I have a slash through my face.


I don’t have a lot of photos of my dad. This one was taken near the end of his life. He loved his hats.


Maggie, our JR, is getting along in years. She is almost 15 and is deaf and almost blind. She is very gray. She was so beautiful as a young dog with great markings. She was so tiny that my son could hold her in the palm of his hand. That is Stephanie and Steve with them. You can see that it was December 1994 when this was taken.


The heat has dissipated a bit. It did not hit triple digits today, but it was so hot all night that I felt out of sorts most of the day. In fact, there was a lot of just lieing about today. Miles and Steph came over while Mia was at arts camp.


Scooter, who is recovering from his minor surgery and is wearing the cone of shame, spent most of the day like this. Poor baby.


I found some photos that will work for what I want to do. I have to scan them, manipulate them in Photoshop and then make some thermofax screens. I am hoping for a return of energy!!!