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Archive for January 11th, 2010

Bloom in the Muck

Monday, January 11th, 2010

In Eastern religions, the lotus flower is an important symbol because it starts life down in the muck and dirty water. As it emerges from the muck, it becomes a beautiful flower. The dean of the cathedral reminded us of this on Sunday, reminding us that we are always some where between tragedy and ecstasy. He admonished us to not wait to bloom. If you have gift cards, spend them; if you have unused airline miles, use them. If you have been meaning to spend time with some one special, what are you waiting for, do it. I loved the sermon and the symbolism, and perhaps, it is my age, but it was meaningful to think about reaching for what makes me happy and not worrying about what might be. It fit with my word for the year, to follow my bliss.

Today was a busy day of doing SDA website stuff, handling some guild issues, taking Scooter to the vet and getting homework done for my theology class. I did manage to get some more fabric cut for the silk irrigation circles. Here is my workspace. I love the circle cutter.

Here is the piece so far. I am hoping for a pretty full day in the studio tomorrow.

Scooter has yeast infections in both of his ears. Apparently this is a common problem with dogs with floppy ears. The vet taught be how to clean them and he has drops to put in his ears for the next 10 days. He is such a good boy at the vets. Their resident 3 legged cat walked right up to him, sensing that he was a total woose; it was so cute.

I hope you are blooming in the muck!!