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Archive for January 18th, 2012


Wednesday, January 18th, 2012

This is an aerial view of the farm in upstate New York where I grew up. A highschool friend sent it to me last year. It was in one of those Christmas photo cards — very retro. Based on how the house looks, I think it was probably taken in the late 50s or early 60s. She found it amongst here fathers things, after he passed away. I scanned it and uploaded it to Photoshop and zoomed in and — whoa— there was my father standing there. Almost in the center of the photo is a gas tank that was used for filling the tractors and truck and the family car. He is standing right there.

I uploaded this because I want to make a quilt of the family homestead. I have done a couple of sketches in my class with Elizabeth Barton. I think it tugged on some buried brain cells. The night after I was looking at the photo and reminiscing, I had a dream and I was walking through the house and I remembered almost every detail of each room.

We had a very successful SAQA meeting today. I think we had about 12 people here and we had some great conversation about entering shows, photography and critiquing. We have decided to meet monthly.

I spent a lot of time, after the meeting, reading my second week lesson for the class and doing some more sketching.

For today’s 3 X 3, I decided that I wanted to do some foiling on red silk. I didn’t have a thermofax screen small enough so I made one. Here is today’s piece.

We got a lot of snow last night, but by this morning, it had turned to slush. And by the time I took Scooter for a walk, after the meeting, this was all that was left in our neighborhood.



Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012