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Archive for March, 2012

Thursday This and That

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

It is pink season in Portland, even though we got about an inch of snow overnight. I love the delicate pink blossoms that can  be seen throughout our neighborhood.

I have had a busy couple of days. We had a lively SAQA meeting here yesterday. Last night, Mr C and I went over to Reed College to hear the Kronos String Quartet, a favorite of ours. They play very contemporary music and it was magical. When we left, it was snowing and I didn’t even care.

Today, I have had a lot of SDA stuff to take up my time. I had a nice chat with our new director, Diane Sandlin. I did a mailing to all the SDA registrants for the SDA/SAQA conference in Philadelphia. I wish I could be there. It sounds like a fantastic program.

I received The Natural World, a portfolio of major quilt artists who explore the natural world in their work. It is a beautiful book. There are some gorgeous and inspiring pieces. I was particularly taken by the work of Ginny Smith, who uses wonderful bird imagery.


Another piece that I love and have seen in person are these cows by Ruth McDowell:

Having grown up on a diary farm with many Holsteins, this quilt really spoke to me.

For pure eye candy, I highly recommend this book, published by Lark and curated by Martha Sielman.

Here are my latest 3 x3s:


Tomorrow is the grandbaby’s due date. I wonder if she will be arriving? I will be sure to let you know, as soon as I get the news!!

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

Shwe Shwe Village

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012

My Shwe Shwe Village is finished. It has a label and a sleeve!! I am passing it off to Terry tomorrow and she will ship both of our quilts to Great Britain. The fabrics are based on the designs of the African Indigo Shwe Shwe fabrics. Here is the blue house which was not finished yesterday.


We have been very busy today. I have the monthly SAQA parlor meeting here tomorrow morning so in addition to finishing the quilt, Mr C and I were doing some housekeeping.

I stayed up late last night to watch Michelle Obama on the David Letterman show. She is such a class act and knows just how to handle Dave. But, I am really flagging tonight so I am off to bed early.

Here is today’s 3 X 3. I did some foiling on a quilted leaf shape.



Monday, March 19th, 2012

I have been cutting and stitching and quilting the details of my wonky houses. I had hoped to finish today, but I have one more to do. I need to start putting fabrics away — my studio is a gigantic mess, again.

I was so intent on working on these that I almost forgot to do a 3 x 3 for today. So it is very simple – just letting the silk fabric speak.

We awoke to a sprinkling of snow on the roof tops and some on the lawn. Basically, it was a cold, rainy, Oregon winter day. Spring officially starts tomorrow; but we are in for temps in the 40s and rain, rain, rain. OK, enough complaining. We do want to keep Oregon green.


A Crazy Sunday

Sunday, March 18th, 2012

We are having weird weather, sleeting, followed by sunshine, then more sleet. The day ended quite nicely, but we are expecting snow overnight. March is a difficult month in Portland. The trees turn pink, we get warm sunbreaks, but mainly we are inundated with cold rain and dark skies.

This morning, Mr C and I were on our way to Trinity. We left early because I was scheduled to help with the art class. We suddenly found ourselves in a huge traffic jam caused by  people in silly green outfits running across town in the Shamrock Race. We literally sat for an hour and barely moved. We finally got onto a street that would take us over a bridge and back home. Not a nice way to start the day!! I was really upset when I realized I had left my iPhone at home so I couldn’t let anyone at Trinity know where I was.

I did have some quality time in the studio after walking Scooter in the sleet with intermittent sunbreaks. Today’s 3 X3 represents how we felt after getting stuck in traffic! I did a redo on yesterday’s shamrock and decided it needed some rainbow seed stitching.

I got a lot of the quilting done on the wonky house piece.

I think I can get it finished tomorrow — my goal. Thanks for the comments I got on this wonky house quilt.