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Archive for July 8th, 2013

The Long Week-end

Monday, July 8th, 2013


I have been missing from this place, but busy and having fun. I intended to post last night, but the server for this site was hacked and was down for a bit. So here is what I have been up to.

I went out to buy some muslin to dye for quilt backs and to make some travel bags for my quilts. I saw the cotton/linen fabrics above and decided to buy them to make a top that I had seen made up in a shop in downtown Portland. It is a Very Easy Vogue pattern. I am making the short sleeve version.


That was Wednesday.

On Thursday, I spent an hour or so working on some purging and reorganizing my studio. I have been inspired by Lynn Krawczyk – Fibra Artysta, who has worked with a professional organizer and in two days purged and reorganized. She is now sharing what she learned from this.

I have this print drying unit that had so much stuff on it, I could not use it for the intended purpose. It is now ready for use or better yet, to go to another home if we decide to downsize our living situation.


Then, it was off to the neighborhood 4th of July parade.


Even chickens got in on the event.


That evening, we were invited to enjoy the fireworks with friends in downtown Portland. His condo is next to the Portland Art Museum and has great views of the down town.


After enjoying fondue, we trekked down to the waterfront to the Hawthorne Bridge and waited for the fireworks. We did some sparkler play while we waited.


On Friday and Saturday,  I continued working in my studio. I found things strewn here and there and tried to consolidate what I was keeping in containers. I have a big plastic box that has much of my printing tools.


Here are my electrical tools.


And my respirators and dust masks.


I have recycled lots of paper stuff and here are a couple of bags of trash – there will be more.


I really need to think twice before I save stuff for potential use.

So that was my time away from the blog. We also enjoyed a family barbecue with the Portland family on Saturday night.