about the artist

My Crazy Life



I knew I was entering a nexus of my obligations for May and June. It is here. And, well, really it is not that bad. Only when Word decided not to recognize any of our printers. Or, when the Epson printers wouldn’t feed the card stock for the gallery labels for  Artists Among Us.  Solutions: import the labels into Apple’s Pages software and use Mr. C’s Canon printer.

I did take time out to have dinner with the Portland Peeps. Mr C and Jack put on a nice meal for Stephanie and I. It was a welcome break from my database work for the art show.

I got 4 pieces of work ready for the show. I forgot to photograph Undulations. I will get a photo when I go back to Trinity tomorrow. I have several pieces of felted work that I have beaded and hand stitched. I put 3 of them together in a frame:



I titled it Rainbow Frippery. I love this meaning of the word:  something showy, frivolous, or nonessential. I think it fits these pieces. I have others that I mounted on 8 X 10 mat boards, suitable for a frame or shadow box. They are in acid free bags and will be for sale as bin art.



I painted a gallery wrapped frame black for the Cruciform piece.



And, another piece, that I made last year, got a chartreuse gallery wrapped frame.



I spent most of today at Trinity, checking in art and prepping labels.  I got home at 8:30 after stopping at Traders Joe’s where I picked up some chicken, guacamole, fruity salsa, brown rice tortillas and refried black beans. I made myself a delicious gluten/dairy free burrito for dinner with a nice glass of Viognier wine.

I have some repair labels to print and some name tags to finish and then, I have to go back to Trinity to work on the labels for our featured artist who makes gorgeous pottery. He had 60 plus pieces of art that need labels. He is not delivering it until tomorrow. That will all get done in the morning. I am taking the night off!

One Response to “My Crazy Life”

  1. Judy says:

    YIKES!! Gerrie!!!
    Lovely work!
    Take a deep breath and then go back to work! 😉
