about the artist

Slip Sliding

I think I am up an running with photos. At least the dashboard is looking better. Today, the sun came out, but we didn’t get any snow melt as the temps never got above 28° F. We took Maggie for a walk in the late morning and slipped and slid our way through the neighborhood. It was especially treacherous crossing the streets. I think I will have to get out my exercise videos if I am going to get any workouts this week. We are due for continued freezing temperatures and more snow on Wednesday and Thursday. This is very disappointing as I was looking forward to a shopping trip with Mia on Wednesday for her birthday. On Thursday the STASH group had a holiday lunch and tour of the Pittock Mansion planned. I think we will need to cancel that, too.

I took a couple of photos while we were on our walk.


The snow made our landscaping look like strange hairy critters.



I think my fall/winter garden is done in.


I have been working diligently in the studio on the What If piece. It is almost finished. I am going to foil a silver star over the nativity. The graffiti on the wall says Peace on Earth. As I said yesterday, I am going for a story book illustration look.


Guess what came today? The fabric! I don’t know if I have time to make the piece I had planned to do with it.

5 Responses to “Slip Sliding”

  1. Judy says:

    As I was toiling away in my laundry room this afternoon, I had an old Barbara Brown Taylor tape on my little player….she was speaking about “What if?”……….so appropriate!!!

    You know me: totally oblivious to the world outside of me! I had no idea you had been experiencing such weather! Guess I need to read on!!


  2. Reva says:

    We had to cut our walk short yesterday, too. Just too treacherous. Today we made it up to Woodstock and 49th, since I had library duty. I thought the side streets would be the worst, but the traffic on 39th and 45th had turned the snow into solid ice. Jer ventured out to TJ’s later, by car, and reported that 39th was clear north of Woodstock, but that it was still awfully slippery.

    I’m glad to hear you say we should put off the STASH outing. I’ve been thinking the same thing. Even if we don’t get more precipitation, I find icy hills daunting. Weh.

  3. Jeannie says:

    What if is so beautiful and appropriate for this time of year. The sun finally came out today, but dang is it cold! Cheers.

  4. Dale Anne says:

    Gerrie – I have to tell you, I had 17 seniors out for their final day of bowling before the holidays yesterday and the windchills were -45.
    We don’t have as much snow as you but people still move around.

  5. Brenda says:

    Good to see that you have photos back in your posts. To make images clickable, you have to specify/check the “File URL” in the “Link URL” section of the panel which is between the “Description” and “Alignment” sections of the interface.