about the artist

Art Quilt Tahoe Day 2, Session 2

Ooooh! I have had such a great day. Charlotte Yde is such a great mentor. We are doing independent work, using many of her techniques and getting excellent advice from her.

This morning, I finished my stitching on the complex clothe piece and did the cutting. Here is the result. Because the organza is shiny, the photo is not totally a true rendition. I cut it in such a way, that a couple of the circle shapes show through and the others are more concealed.


Here is my zen layout for my piece that will use the above piece. The background is a really cool batik. The orange piece is a hand dye that has a screened discharge. And of course, there is a strip of lime green silk.


Here are two surface design things that I did on some hand-dyed raw silk. On the left is a Shiva paint stick rubbing. On the right is a monoprint.


Charlotte really likes both of these and wants me to create a piece out of them.

Here are some more discharge pieces I have done that might work with them. The first is done with bubble wrap cut in circles.


The second has some screens and some stamps.


Here is a close-up.


These were both done on hand-dyed browns that have bits of turquoise and orange. I’m loving them.
I also have some Japanese textiles to try with these fabrics.

Tonight we had a delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings. So, I guess I don’t need to cook a turkey later this month – ha! It was snowing when we came back to our rooms tonight. Heavy snow is predicted for tomorrow. Everyone is happy about it.

Time to sleep and perchance dream of some fabulous quilting designs.

2 Responses to “Art Quilt Tahoe Day 2, Session 2”

  1. Liz Berg says:

    I’m so glad you are having fun! Much better, huh? Nice things you are doing! Wish I were there playing with you but don’t think I will be coming back unless I am teaching!

  2. Francoise says:

    I like these discharge pieces. I’m curious to see what you’ll make out of them.