about the artist



The saying goes, “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread”. But in this case, I think my angels rushed in with the best of intentions and were made to feel like fools by E-bay management.

For those who don’t know what I am talking about, Lisa and Stephanie made some errors in their E-bay auction postings. They provided links to the artists whose work was being sold and this is apparently verboten. Once the problem was discovered and the bidding had started, the posts could not be amended and had to be taken down.

The good news is that, after a day of research and discussions with E-bay, the Kim Family Auction will be back in business tomorrow morning. A representative from E-bay is helping them and will make sure every thing is up to E-bay snuff. I guess we can feel some sense of security in that E-bay does run a tight ship!! We just hope that all of our generous bidders will be back to play again!! Keep checking the above link for the latest news. The angels are working on putting the links back on E-Bay tonight. The auction will still end on Sunday.

3 Responses to “WHOOPS!!”

  1. Dorothee says:

    Let me tell you … they are back and outbidding me whenever I don’t look! I’ve already been seriously outbid on your quilt and it will only be a matter of time when they snatch Kristin’s out of my hands … which is fabulous to see but I’d have liked to get something too, so I may still splurge.

  2. manda says:

    you certainly do have two angels….it’s a wonderful thing what you have all put together to help the kim family. thankyou for showing me the beautiful side of the human spirit.

  3. terry grant says:

    How frustrating. You have all put in a lot of work on this and just when it was looking so successful. I’m sorry you all had this discouraging setback. BUT!—I just checked the auction this morning and it looks like it is back on track and gaining momentum! Yay for the Congdon/Barnes women!