Here is my latest look. After many years of red hair dye, I have gone au naturel. We started Phase 1 of reopening last weekend and I was able to get in for a haircut. I did not want to spend a lot of time so I washed my hair at home and skipped the color part. I was amazed to see all of the gray. There is still a bit of red in my bangs so it is hard to tell. I also got it cut really short so that I don’t have to go back right away. I am liking it so far.
I am busy stitching my 100 embroidered indigo blocks together. I am doing 25 at a time. Here is the first group hand-stitched together.

I think this is going to be a wonderful piece when it is finished. Since I do not have a large design wall, I laid out the blocks on a flannel backed tablecloth on a table top. I can roll it up and keep the unstitched blocks in place while I stitch on others.

I made these pillows for my grandkids in California. Paige had selected a gold and teal color scheme. She loves horses and Harry Potter so I printed photos of them on horse/rocking horse on fabric.

Here are my torn paper collages since my last post.

I started knitting a sweater for myself. I find it hard to do intricate stitching at night, but I need to keep my hands busy when watching TV. I had this yarn sitting around. I used it for a kimono style sweater which I didn’t like so I am going to unknit and use it for a big bulky sweater.

So that is my life in the time of corona update. Time seems to be going by faster than you would think!