This is my very own graffiti tag. I drew it on my iPad ProSketch app. I was having problems with the graffiti images I was using. I felt I needed something created by me, but how? I did some research on line about how to draw your own graffiti images. Then, I found a free graffiti font. I decided to do my own tag — My quilt, my rules.
I made a screen and tested it.
Still not working for me. Didn’t seem authentic. Last night I realized what I needed to do. I have an abstracted architectural background. I needed to do something that was not so literal. I got out the iPad sketch app and came up with these.
I made new screens and tested them and I finally screened the actual quilt.
I still have to add my personal tag – waiting for the last screenprint to dry. It is now becoming what my vision was. At least it has a focal point – LOL!
We are having wind and torrents of rain as the remnants of a Pacific typhoon has made its way to the Northwest. We canceled plans to go to the symphony tonight. We have lost power three times for short periods. I have flashlights and a camping lantern at the ready.
Enjoy the rest of your week-end.