about the artist

Another Version

of leaves floating in a rippling stream. Took some advice from LizzieB. Found that I had some cotton organdy in brighter colors that was already fused. Tried some stronger colors. It is getting there I think. I may try painting some leaves, but not tonight. Got to get back to Dot Calm and pay some bills. Here is the latest version:


5 Responses to “Another Version”

  1. Emily says:

    Ah, beautiful!

  2. Linda Cline says:

    I like this version the best.

    What the last three people said. Plus try placing them so they aren’t in so straight of a line.

    I hope you are planning on leaving a couple of the leaves hanging off the edge like you have. It’s much more effective than if you trimmed them even with the edge.

    It reminds me of David Goldsworthy’s leaves that he pins together and lets float freely.

  3. Cindy says:

    YES! Love the brighter leaves here and there, plus the movement in this arrangement. I, too, might try removing a few randomly. If stitching or painting to add detail, try only a few at a time. I enjoy your blog, although your medium is one I haven’t tried yet. Thanks for sharing your creative process!

  4. mary manahan says:

    I agree with Deborah….let more of the background come through. Love the orange-red touch!

  5. Deborah says:

    I really like this… but I’d take a few off leaving a few open spaces in which we see more of the wonderful pieced background and we get some gaps in the stream of leaves —

    Sometimes I feel a bit pretentious making suggestions. You are so talented that I’m sure what ever you come up with will be the right choice. You’re quite brave to put it all out there for us to comment on.