Whew! I recovered from my very bad sinus infection and finally got to the studio to work on this. It is now being quilted here at home. It is simple straight line quilting so I should finish it tomorrow, photograph it on Tuesday and submit it.
I used some snow dyed fabric from a couple of years ago (or more) for the hope background. I was able to use up a lot of the murky, not quite black fabric that I dyed last year for the main background. I wanted the hope segment to be a beacon beaming out from the murky darkness of the current political morass of this country. And considering the amount of citizen involvement this week-end, I am feeling some hope.
I found this fabric in my stash of backing fabric. I think it works perfectly.
Since I have been ill and indisposed and then working like crazy to get the hope quilt done, I am a bit behind on my silk stitch along.
Here they are with the latest stitches.
Having this to work on in the evening really helps to center me and calm me down.
I do have some glimmers of HOPE that congress will pay some attention to the demonstrations…Interesting word, isn’t it DEMON stration or DE monstratation. Hope is a much better word for the day. Thanks for taking time to post.