about the artist

I’m Happy Tonight

Well, not because I lost weight. I was up a half pound yesterday.

Not because of the weather. It is lousy and getting lousier (is that a word?). So my walking has been limited to 20 -30 minutes a day.

I am happy because of this guy:


I am an Obama Mama. His victory speech tonight gave me goose-bumps. It made me cry. It gave me hope.

I am also happy because Kristin L. is in town, and she is coming to my house tomorrow!!

I am also happy because I had an impromptu lunch with my STASH group because former member, Teri Fisher, was in town for the holidays.

I will take photos tomorrow of our fun in the studio. Terry is joining us. My daughter Steph and M & M will be here to entertain Kristin’s children. Who cares if it will be pouring rain.

7 Responses to “I’m Happy Tonight”

  1. It is time for Obama. Having him as our president will make a big statement to the whole world.

  2. DebR says:

    This bit of news totally made my day too.

    Also, wanted to let you now that I just gave you a “You Make My Day” award on my blog.

  3. Judy says:

    I agree totally with Terry, and I’ve gotta add that Obama also has an intelligence which has sorely been missed in the White House over the past eight years.


  4. terry grant says:

    We did have fun today! And I can’t believe that we had so much fun we didn’t even take a moment to celebrate the Obama win in Iowa. Woo hoo. I like this guy more and more. I like what he has to say, and I like how he says it. He has a charisma and a sense of dignity that have been sorely lacking in the political arena for quite awhile.

  5. dee says:

    Amen Sister! and even if it isn’t a perfect day weather-wise-it’s an exciting one nevertheless. Sounds like you’re having some fun. Enjoy your time with the ladies. All that talent in one room-can’t wait to see what come of that. Hi to Kristin.

  6. Fitzy says:

    I’m even happier that Mrs. Bill made THIRD place.

    Have a blast today, can’t wait to see the pictures.

  7. Jeannie says:

    Oh, I am so jealous – studio time with you, Kristin, Stephanie, and Terry! Have a wonderful time and I look forward to reading about your fun day. We all need hope and knowing that there will be a change in 2008 helps. Cheers!