about the artist

‘Tis the Season

We get our Christmas Tree from Moon Mountain, near Sonoma. At the beginning of November, we get a postcard reminding us to come early to chose our tree. We go up, wander through all the trees, find the perfect one, tear off the tag, go back and pay for it and then next month, when we go back to pick it up, they will drive out, cut it down and we bring it home. Here are photos of the day’s event:




More trees:

and more trees.

Tiny trees:

Fat trees:

Ah! The perfect tree:

Tear off the tag:

And enjoy the views:




3 Responses to “‘Tis the Season”

  1. Laume says:

    Oh my stars! I was randomly picking other blogs to read off my friend DebR’s blog, and for some reason felt compelled to click on yours. And what should I see, but photos straight out of my own photo album. Well, not really, but it felt like it. A long, long time ago in a lifetime galaxies away (or at least it feels like it), I lived in Sonoma and we used to go to Moon Mountain for our tree as well. How cool is that! So, where do you live? I currently live far, far away from there – still in the same galaxy however. In fact, still in the same state if we go by official state boundaries. Culturally it’s more like Oregon or Nevada. But we have lots and lots and lots of trees and we can even go out in the forest for a $10 permit and cut down a wild tree. Which we did when we first moved here. But then with almost getting stuck on some back fire road and the mountain lion tracks and the cost of gas and the need to get up to the really high elevations to find the kind of tree I like, we gave it up after a few exciting years and now are getting our tree at a tree farm again. The only tree farm around actually. And it comes with snow and all sorts of other seasonal decorations – like icicles and frozen fingers and toes and still the need for good snow tires to get up to it. But somehow it’s still not the same as tree farms in Sonoma County used to be. Oops, I seem to have written an entirely new blog in the comments section. Sorry ’bout that. But thanks ever so much for the trip down memory lane!

  2. Jen Anderson says:

    What a beautiful place! Looks like a perfect day. Jen

  3. DebR says:

    Wow, I can see why everyone talks about how pretty Sonoma is. Those photos are gorgeous!