about the artist

Decking the Halls

Tomorrow, I am entertaining the current and next year’s boards of my quilt guild. We will meet at 10 and have a pot luck lunch after we get some work done. Stevie and I have worked like crazy to get the house cleaned up and decorated. I am feeling pretty good so I have been able to accomplish a few days of work in one!!

Here is a shot of the living room and the tree with just lights waiting for me to finish decorating. It is taken from the loft which is my studio.


Here is the tree after I hung the ornaments:

Pretty blurry. I’ll take a better one tomorrow.

Here is the fireplace and mantel:




I collect nativity scenes. Here are a few:





Oh, and while I am taking photos in the living room, I also collect crosses:


Here are some quilty Christmas things that I have made over the years:





I had the best time tonight watching the first two Project Runways. I love this show so much. They have the usual cast of wacky characters. It is going to be a great season. I haven’t decided who I am going to root for just yet. There second challenge was to make outfits from the clothes they were wearing at that moment! It was very fascinating to see what they came up with.

OK! It is way past my bedtime. g’night!

8 Responses to “Decking the Halls”

  1. Pat Dolan says:

    Great photos – and I love your collection of crosses. I’ve got several myself… although I’ve never thought to put them all together on one wall. I like what you’ve done!

  2. lisa says:

    i just tried to post and it disappeared so hopefully this wont be a repeat! you are a machine, mom! you decorated everything. i can’t wait to smell and see and taste everything when i come for christmas!

  3. jyesika says:

    I particularly like your angel collection. They are lovely.

    I’d no idea last evening, when watching the first project runway that there would be two in a row. It very much made my evening. However, the second cut, in which we met the sobbing bald hipster fellow, I was sort of saddened that he wasn’t kicked off for his theatrics. I suppose they usually go for dramatic sorts of people to increase the drama during the show.

  4. Kathie says:

    Your grouping of crosses is wonderful. Lovely evocative display for believers and non-believers alike.

  5. DebR says:

    Everything looks so pretty!

    I had fun watching Project Runway too. I “discovered” it when the first season was already partway over, so it’s fun to see this one from the beginning.

  6. Karoda says:

    Blessed be! I did not know you collect crosses! I’ve recently developed a fascination with Ethiopian Christian Crosses…especially the ones that go on top of staffs in processionals. They’re so beautiful and emote such hope and peacefulness in me. Last night I envisioned the corner by my front door filled with them. I’ve transfered one onto the current work also. I would love to hear more about your collection and pieces when you have the time.


  7. patricia says:

    oh my gosh, i knew another episcopalian who collected crosses — i’ve got a few meself…

  8. Mary Manahan says:

    LOVE your cross collection!