about the artist

Ladies Who Lunch

Today was my first opportunity to hang out with June Underwood and Terry Grant. Terry picked me up and we met June in the Pearl district of downtown Portland. We had lunch at a Peruvian restaurant where we shared small plates of fabulous tapas. And of course we had dessert. We then visited several of the galleries that abound in the area. We took June home and she invited us in to have a cup of tea. I got to poke around in June’s studio and to see her work in progress up close and personal. It was a joy! We have decided to have a once a month art date. I look forward to it. BTW: June saw the crow on Terry’s blog and asked to purchase it and so it was delivered today. It is wonderful in person, and I love the way she stretched it on a frame.

I didn’t get much done today – cleaned up the entry way of stuff so that I could properly greet Terry. Then I took Maggie for a walk in the Rhododendron garden near our house. I must take my camera next time. It is gorgeous. Then it was time to get ready to leave.

Stephanie called this morning and asked if she could bring Milo over in the afternoon as she had a teacher conference with Mia and Jack had an appointment. I said that is why we are here and Grandpa would be happy to spend time with him. They also went for a walk in the Rhodie gardens. Mr C told him that they had to get back to the house because his Mom was coming and Milo said he was going to hide when his Mom came so that he could stay longer. I just love it! It is why we are here.

Here are pics of some nice things that have arrived at the house:

Flowers from David and Kristen, Mr C’s brother and wife:

And my prize from Virginia Spiegel of Fiber Art for a Cause. That is a postcard of one of Virginia’s pieces.


The contents; (Look close DebR – see what the charm is?)


Speaking of shoes, I have not related my moving glitch. I put my dressy shoes in one of the big wardrobe packing boxes and they arrived safe and sound. I brought one pair of casual shoes and a pair of boots in the car with me. All of my shoes, including my walking shoes and hikers and other casual comfortable shoes were packed in a separate box and they have disappeared. The box is no where to be found. I keep thinking it will turn up, but I have just about given up. I called the moving company and Kevin, our driver called back and said it must be here because they kept  our stuff separate from the other smaller load on the truck. I finally went to Nordstrom Rack and bought some Bjorn loafers and a pair of Clark slip-ons. DebR told me that if I bought new shoes, the others would turn up. So far this has no worked. Guess I will have to do more shoe shopping and charge the moving company!!

4 Responses to “Ladies Who Lunch”

  1. lisa says:

    tell your friend june that i love her work. so glad you have fast friends. yay for crafting and quilting.

  2. Diane says:

    How fun! Grandma and Grandpa babysitting time already– that IS why you’re there! And I”m so glad you had fun with June and Terry… will there be Northern Pointless Sisters?!?!

    Hope you find the shoes…then again, there’s all that shoe shopping ahead…
    love, D.

  3. DebR says:

    Yay about the art date and the Good Mail!

    But bummer about the shoes. The whole “buy new ones to make the old ones turn up” nearly always works for me!

  4. Sharon R says:

    So the shoes just walked away, huh?

    Isn’t it great when you make a major life change like this, and there are no doubts? Though sadness at leaving things behind, the new opportunities are endless!!!

    Hugs from Chicago