about the artist

Fabric Art Postcard Mania

At the beginning of the year when I decided to challenge myself to make fabric art postcards to send in lieu of thank you and birthday cards, I had no idea that I would have a breast cancer diagnosis and surgery. This turn of events has brought many kind acts my way deserving of special thank yous. I have received flowers and healing gifts. Special meals have been prepared and brought to our home. Having cancer is difficult, but the acts of kindness have been heartwarming and gratefully received.

So here is a new batch of thank you postcards that I made today.

4 Responses to “Fabric Art Postcard Mania”

  1. Karoda says:

    Gerrie, love the postcards, especially the one with the soup and wine (or I guess it could be diet coke in the glass) 😉 glad to see you about and creating…i need to go do something hehehehe

  2. So very nice, Gerrie. Hope you are doing as well as it seems!!


  3. Hi, I’m on the quiltart list. Glad to hear that you are doing well.

  4. those are gorgeous mom. i am so glad i got to see them in process!