about the artist

Making Progress in Paradise

Look it really is a cutting table!!

And this is a sewing table: (notice the lime green sewing machine case!)

We live in such a beautiful place, surrounded by mountains and vineyards. It is my paradise. Every morning we walk the dog in Anandell State Park which surrounds our development. This morning I took my camera so that I can share the beauty of the walk with you.
The entrance to the park across from our home:

I love all the greens of the spring grass, the ferns and the oak tree’s coats of green lichen.

This is the view from the park entrance looking toward our home. Hope you enjoyed the walk.

3 Responses to “Making Progress in Paradise”

  1. Oh wow….does that look good. It smelled like spring here yesterday morning, 50 degrees when I got up; by evening it was back to winter. Snowed today and a 90 car pile-up on the interstate. It’s 16 degrees right now….I thought I didn’t care if spring got here soon…I was wrong!! And to think, a week from tomorrow I am headed NORTH to the shore of Lake Superior! I am NUTZ!!!

    Oh, the studio looks great….time to dive in and make another mess….in SPRING GREEN!!!!


  2. Lisa Coulombe says:

    I loved going on a walk with you. Spectacular! Thanks so much for brightening my morning.

  3. Mrs. Mel says:

    Hold the green, I’ll be right over!
    Gosh I can’t decide which I love more, the landscape or that perfectly cleaned off worksurface. Both are so inviting.
    Best wishes on keeping it organized…O who cares! The next quilting project will take care of that.
    Lots of love,