about the artist


Reasons I am happy today:

  • I am over the virus. I had a miraculous recovery yesterday. There is something about feeling so bad that makes you appreciate life when it is gone! Thank you to everyone who sent me good wishes. While we lived in Sonoma County, I was plagued with allergy problems. I had sinus infections, asthma, etc. Since we have lived here, I have been really healthy so this week-end’s fever was unexpected. Even Mr C noted that it has been a long time since I had to stay in my jammies for a day.
  • I saw my oncologist yesterday. I didn’t tell him that I stopped taking Femara. I thought I would wait for his prognosis. I love a doctor who sits next to you with all the paper work and shows you how he came to his conclusion! There are 4 criteria for deciding further treatment; tumor size, size of clear margins around the tumor, the pathology of the tumor and your age. I had the lowest score on all but the pathology, he ranked that at 2/3. But when totaled, it gives me an almost nil chance of invasive cancer or recurrence of cancer. So no follow-up treatment was necessitated. I did the happy dance. My extremities and pain are improving each day.
  • STASH (Second Tuesday at Somebody’s House) was at my house last night. An evening of chatting, drinking wine and sharing work is always therapeutic. I invited Reva, a neighbor and quilter and former Californian. She is going to become part of our group. Last night was bittersweet as member, Terri (not Terry Grant), told us she is moving to the DC area to be with her sweetheart. They have been carrying on a long distance relationship for two years. I am happy for her and sad for us.
  • Because STASH was coming, I did some major fixing up and cleaning in the studio. I hung art quilts on my wall of fame (work by other quilters). I am going to try to finish organizing the studio before I mess it up again and take some photos to go on my website and I’ll post them here. too.

Now for something art related. Here is a link to my Picasso Head. You, too, can create one. If you do, please send me a link so that I can see it.

Oh, and a PS. If you haven’t seen Little Miss Sunshine, yet, I encourage you to go and have a wonderful wacky experience that will make you feel so good.

9 Responses to “Wheeee!”

  1. Grace says:

    Glad to hear about your prognosis.

    I second the recommendation of seeing Little Miss Sunshine even though it has not one frame of actual footage taken in my home town of Redondo Beach. I laughed so hard during parts of the movie, it was cathartic.

    I posted pix of the actual drive from ABQ to RB on my blog here http://badmomgoodmom.blogspot.com/2006/09/more-low-birthrates-and-little-miss.html

  2. Mary Manahan says:

    I’m so glad you are feeling better, Gerrie!

  3. Kathie says:

    Good news from the doctor–yay!

  4. terry grant says:

    Oh gosh, we loved Little Miss Sunshine too.

    I had a good time at your house last night, despite the news that we will be losing Terri. I’m glad you invited Reva. Our little group is changing! Change can be good. I think you and Reva will inspire us with some new ideas.

  5. Diane says:

    Glad you are healthy and that your prognosis from the oncologist is so good! Definitely worth a boisterous happy dance!
    I remember Reva from our Gualala workshop with Melody! I didn’t know she was up there. Nice to include her in your group!

  6. kirsty says:

    Thrilled to hear such a good report from the Oncologist!

  7. MsLizF says:

    I made a Picasso Head….what fun. Here is the link to my head. http://www.mrpicassohead.com/canvas.html?id=0477561&skin=original

    Glad to hear that you are feeling better.

  8. DebR says:

    SO glad the news is all good on the health front!!

    The Mr. Picasso Head site didn’t want to load properly for me, but I’ll try to remember to try again later. It sounds interesting.

    So far I’ve only talked to one person who didn’t like Little Miss Sunshine. Everyone else I’ve talked to has raved about it. It’s not showing anywhere closer than 50 miles away from me, so I may have to wait for the DVD.

  9. Jen Anderson says:

    Gerrie, so glad you are feeling better and the medical news is good!
    STASH sounds like great fun. Love the name. Jen