about the artist

It is a Done Deal!

I have a website and a new blog. It happened so fast, I didn’t know what hit me. The website is not offically live until tomorrow morning, but if you have visited my blog, you got a sneak peak. I feel so grown up!
My blog is now hosted by WordPress. This is my third venue. I started with Blogspot in February 2005. Then I moved to Typepad. I just realized that I missed my blogiversary. It was on February 3rd.

The cool thing about WordPress is that all of my blog entries have been moved here. So it is very easy to search all of my blog posts for the past two years to find something that I want to reference.

It appears that posting photos is not as easy as it was in Typepad. I have to have a url so that means putting them in to Flickr first, I guess. So, just to see if I can, I am going to try posting an old photo. This is a photo of Tobermary, Scotland, on the Isle of Mull. It was taken in 2003 when we were on a hiking trip of the Scottish Highlands.

I did it! It was a lot more work that browsing my desktop.
I spent all day on my website so Fragments is waiting for me to come back, tomorrow.

I just noticed that there is no spell check so bear with me. I think there is a later version with spelcheck so I have to get my web designer to update this. I don’t like not having control over this.

11 Responses to “It is a Done Deal!”

  1. Karoda says:

    The photo reminds me of Kristin’s house quilts

  2. June says:

    Gerrie, Are you sure you can’t upload as you could in typepad? WordPress in general has a set of menus just below the post box called Upload/Browse/Browse All. If you go to Upload, you’ll see the “browse” function that will let you browse your own computer and upload. You have an extra step to follow — telling WP you want a full or thumbnail, and that you want it on this post, and then sending it to the editor. But in the on-line WordPress this works pretty easily. And you can access all your images in the parent menu “Browse or Browse All” which I never figured out in Typepade.

    So off you go!

  3. Sharon R says:

    Tee Hee — I accidently discovered your “new do” last night and love it!

  4. Liz Berg says:

    very nice and clean, easy to navigate and great work. Love the blog stuff!

  5. Gerrie, your site and blog are fabulous! Well done!

  6. tallgirl says:

    Beautiful website, Gerrie!

  7. rayna says:

    Hey, Gerrie – what a great looking blog/website. Love that they are connected and of course, Gloria has done herself proud as usual. Happy blogaversarie – I passed my 2nd one in Jan and forgot about it.

    Will see you soon!!

  8. Diane D. says:

    Yeah Gerrie! It looks great – it’s wonderful to see so many of your pieces at once. Of course I’d love to exchange links with you. Happy Valentine’s Day to you and yours.

  9. mary manahan says:

    Beautiful website, Gerrie! I love seeing your work together in one place.

  10. dee says:

    It also looks very professional. One thing…the text is sooooo small-having trouble seeing clearly.

  11. dee says:

    Congrats darling Gerrie & Happy Valentines Day. It all looks so porfessional. I’ll be able to say you were my doppleganger before you were famous. Come & visit when things calm down.