about the artist

More Book Crafting

I had the last of a three session book crafting class at Trinity tonight. I didn’t show last week’s book because it is a complicated 3-D book which requires some thought and execution of each layer before it is assembled. I will get back to it eventually.

Tonight, we did two  books. I used some of my art cloth for the cover of this square book.

The inside is a complicated fold and glue. Here is an idea of what the inside looks like. I think this will get some collaging done to the inside pages.

The other book is a cute little triangle.

You get 3 books in one as you can open up from each of the points and you have 4 pages for writing or doing something artsy.

This was lots of fun and a bit of a diversion for me.

I have been working very hard at getting the quilting and burying of threads done on the Alternate Universe piece.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I will take tomorrow morning off to hand out with my friends at STASH.

I asked Steph to come over and take some new head shots for me, without glasses. Here are two that I like and will be using.

The top one was taken in front of my Autumn Aspens. I received an e-mail with the judges comments from the La Conner show about that quilt. I don’t like to enter judged shows because I think they do not understand “art” quilts.

Here are the comments about this quilt.

Best features of this quilt are:

Good choice for background. Nice machine quilting stitch. Thread choice complements overall design.

Areas which most need improvement:

Placement of the leaves does not feel natural.

That last comment tickled me and irked me, a bit. As an artist, I do not try to replicate nature exactly. I looked at many aspen photos when I was working on this. My goal was to show the variation in colors and the way aspen leaves hang in clumps. Here is an example.

Am I overreacting?

9 Responses to “More Book Crafting”

  1. Leonie says:

    Hi Gerrie:
    I think your new photos are wonderful, especially the first one.
    Re: your aspen piece, everyone has their own interpretations and ideas when creating a piece of work. I would not feel to sensitive about judges’ comments as they are a personal opinion and in most cases are meant to be constructive, not devastating. I really like this piece, in particular, the shapes of the trees themselves. However, personally, I would like to see a hint of twigs or small branches peeking through the leaves here and there, which would give it a more realistic feel. Just my two cents (-:

  2. Diane D. says:

    Always take the judges comments with a grain of salt! I tend to embrace the good ones, and try to let go of the bad ones unless they are something that I agree needs to be changed and can be fixed. It’s a beautiful quilt.

  3. jenclair says:

    Great new photos, Gerri! The art cloth you used on the square book is just beautiful. Note the comments and then let them go. You have a goal for your own work, and your judgement is what matters.

  4. Connie Rose says:

    Your new photos are wonderful, you look terrific. And your aspen quilt is fabulous just the way it is. Like you said, what the heck do the judges know, anyway? Probably a bunch of old biddies who have nothing better to do than find reasons to dis other people’s work. Forget it!

  5. Karen Rips says:

    I’ve never entered a show where the judges comment on my work. I guess It would depend on the judge and what their qualifications are as to whether I paid attention to their comments. Love the head shots.

  6. Connie Akers says:

    Great new pictures of you and your art. Little books are such fun & your fabric certainly adds to their appeal.

    I don’t think you are being too sensitive.

  7. Terri says:

    Great photos! Can’t wait to see you in Houston. I guess I don’t think you are overreacting to the judges comments. Do judges tell abstract artists that a mark right there in that one particular spot doesn’t seem natural? You are the artist, the creator, if they don’t like what you did, then phooey on them.

  8. Karen T says:

    No, I don’t think you’re overreacting; I’d have been a bit exasperated too. Quilt shows (in my experience) seem to be more about jumping through hoops for the sake of it and less about appreciating actual art.

  9. Jeannie says:

    The cloth you used for your books are gorgeous, as are the books. I really am intriqued by the triangle one. Alternative Universe becomes more beautiful each time I look at it. And speaking of beautiful, the head shots are fantastic! As to the judges comments, eh- who cares! I presume they would tell Georgia O’Keefe that pansies aren’t that shade of black or there is too much blank space in her composition. Hope you keep celebrating.