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Archive for January 5th, 2016

I’m Back

Tuesday, January 5th, 2016


I have been very busy with my SDA duties. When I send out renewal letters, I get a lot of renewals to update in the database and this time of year it is about double. So, I have been chained to the computer and not doing much creatively.

Look, at my Paige, riding her new bike. She is growing up so fast!! Looks like it is quite nice in San Mateo. In Portland, we had snow and ice and cold weather and schools closed for two days.


This photo was taken out our condo window.

I have managed to finish the brown kid sweater and get started on the little hat.


I want to get a cowl done for myself with this lovely yarn.


When I was in California, knitting, Paige wondered what I was making. She mused that she would like a purple sweater with Winnie the Pooh on it. I found this book on an Etsy site so I just need to buy the yarn.

poohsweaterbookI am hoping to crank up the sewing machine tomorrow and do some facings on a couple of small quilts and add an oak tree to the Sonoma landscape. I am getting a slow start for the new year, sort of coasting and dealing with the knee issue. Trying to do the daily exercises that have been prescribed – they are really kind of annoying and I don’t enjoy doing them!