about the artist

Working Overtime

Sue Benner gave me a very challenging first assignment and I was a half a day or more behind the newbies. The three pieces are now complete except for quilting. Here is the piece I had started to layer yesterday. I went in this morning and added some black and white shapes and filled out the squares. Sue likes the color use that I have done in this piece:


This piece is a crowd favorite, but Sue thinks I did not do enough to blur the background. I have fused organza spirals to this.



This piece was a lot of work. Sue kicked my butt to get this where it is. Everything I tried – she nixed. But it worked. This is a great piece now and you can’t see the background.




The rest of the class started on the curvilinear exercise this morning. I went back and did mine tonight after a couple of glasses of wine!! We had to rotary cut curved pieces of several fabrics and arrange them on a fused background, a whole cloth background or directly to the batting. I chose the last. Here is my work:



We were given a quicky homework assignment. Cut three fabrics into curved pieces. Fuse them into a block that could be trimmed to 10 inches. Cut the block into nine patches and then rearrange and fuse them. Here is my effort:



Sand, of course, dessert du jour:


dessert du jour2

Mrs. Mel did her slide show tonight and she was hilarious. She explained blogs to everyone. I’d say that 30% had no idea what they were. I, however, met more loyal readers today.

12 Responses to “Working Overtime”

  1. lisa says:

    i love the first piece. did you make the middle piece that is black and red? i love that!!

  2. Micki says:

    looks like you are having too much fun. love the piece with the red and black.

  3. megan says:

    Oof, your stuff is delectable! Thanks for sharing your creativity and your process!

  4. JulieZS says:

    Love what you are working on Gerrie, looks like a great class that is pushing you to learn new stuff. Dessert looks yummy too. Glad you’re having fun. Colour me green with envy!

  5. Diane says:

    I forgot to say before that I really like what you’re doing, especially that piece with the red squiggly lines!

  6. Jen Anderson says:

    Wow Gerrie, this is an amazing amount of work! I am thinking hard about saving up for Tahoe, if I started now I could do it.
    The tough part would be figuring out who to study with, so many fabulous choices!

    I can’t decide which piece I like the best, I like them all. I am very drawn to the purple/ blue/ yellow curvilinear one, and of course the circle piece. Thank you SO much for sharing all of this, its really helpful to see. Jen

  7. Lisa says:

    Thanks so much for the rundown on the class and showing all your wonderful work. I REALLY need to go to AQT next year. If only Pierre will be in town (still don’t know where he’s going after Iraq) and if I can afford it…

  8. DebR says:

    I LOVE the piece SB didn’t like so much. I understand her problem with it because it doesn’t meet what it sounds like were the class perameters, but if you ignore the class assignment and just look on the work on its own, it totally works for me. I don’t see why the background needs to be obscured! And I passionately love those transluscent spirals. Wow!

    What did you have for dessert? The photo is pretty, but I can’t tell what it actually is.

  9. Debra says:

    The black and white dots really made the top piece. Fabulous!!

    Most of the work is wonderful; but, I’ll agree with Sue that the second piece is the weakest.

    Gee, I hope someone explains blogs in my segment (besides me)…

  10. gabrielle says:

    Love how Sue is pushing you into new territory…isn’t she the best? But a slave driver , for sure….give her a hug for me.

  11. mary manahan says:


    Gerrie, these are all great. The color in the first is outstanding! The penultimate one screams “Gerrie Congdon made this!” and I love it.

    Thanks again for sharing! Wish I was there…

  12. Diane says:

    Looks like SO much fun! I eagerly await each of your daily updates…I’m living vicariously through your entries! Glad you’re having fun!