about the artist

Still Crazy After All These Years

I woke up this morning and I did it! I turned 70 and I’m still going. Look out 80, here I come. Some may wonder why this is such a big deal for me. It is because I do not have a lot of relatives who have live to 70 and been as healthy and alive as I am. My mother and her sisters were afraid to get their heart beating by walking up a hill. They ate poor diets and suffered from heart disease and diabetes. I decide in my 40s that I would buck the trend. I did fairly well for quite a while. A few bouts of breast cancer didn’t get me. I put on too much weight because I became too sedentary when I retired, and I lived in the hot, muggy south for 6 years.

Two years ago, I lost my younger brother from a heart attack. It really hit me hard. I became very depressed and convinced myself that I was sure to follow him at any time. Every little twinge set me on edge. I had vertigo from sinus problems, but I was sure it was my heart making me dizzy. It was not a good time for me.

Somehow, I pulled myself out of it. I headed off to Weight Watchers. I started walking 10,000 steps a day with the help of my pedometer. I had hoped to lose 50 pounds by today. I only lost 20, but I am feeling very successful, anyway. I told Mr C that I feel healthier today than I did 5 years ago. I have more energy and more zest for life. I have plans and goals. I join many other women of my age who are volunteering, creating and living very full lives.

So, I have decided that getting old is not so bad. In fact, it is quite liberating. I get a kick out of being told by my young doctor, the checker at Cosco, the United Airlines clerk and many others that I do not look my age. But, believe me, this is not a family trait. Right now, I am feeling like a very lucky anomoly, but I will take it!!

I am so blessed with a husband who makes all things a possibility for me. A family that loves and cares for me and makes me proud, every day. Friends with whom I can commiserate, laugh, cry, create, critique, eat, drink and be merry. And a God who blessed me way beyond a young girl’s dreams.

And here I am today, Lisa calls this – headphones, computer, 70 and in the know. This is what I look like when I get up in the morning and I hope know one is watching!

Some of my blog friends created a birthday blog with beautiful and funny greetings. My bff, Terry, also posted a beautiful bit about my birthday, today. Thanks, to all of  you!! I will post more tomorrow about the great mail that arrived on Friday and the nice day that Mr C and I had yesterday.

19 Responses to “Still Crazy After All These Years”

  1. PaMdora says:

    You go girl! Looking good and an inspiration for all of us. I like that photo of you in high-waters (wasn’t that what they were called before capris?)


  2. KathieB says:

    This is a wonderful post! It seems like our whole culture starts marginalizing everyone at 50 or so. It’s up to all of us to defy this, turn it on its ear, and change perceptions once and for all.

    Hope your day was great and here’s to many, may more joyous birthdays for us all.

  3. Karoda says:

    You are fabulous! I hope blogging or something akin to it is still strong so that I’ll get to wish you happy 80th decade!

    Are you familiar with the book “On the Day You Were Born”? Happy Birthday Lady!

  4. Susan Tinberg says:

    Congratulations on entering your seventies. Your blog was very touching and uplifting. You have a great attitude, an appreciation for a good man, and a passion for living. I hope you continue to enjoy your good life.

  5. Deborah says:

    This all makes ME want to celebrate because I have such inspirational friends! Have a fantastic day.

  6. Jen Anderson says:

    Thanks for being the wonderful inspiration you are, filled with unstoppable creative energy and zest for life. Wishing you many more years of joy. Jen

  7. jenclair says:

    Good for you! Attitude and having interests and goals can make all the difference. I don’t want to “rust unburnish’d,” I want “to shine in use!” I love Tennyson’s poem “Ulysses” and his attitude about aging.

  8. dee says:

    70 has never looked so great.

  9. teri says:

    It still totally blows me away that you are 70. It just doesn’t seem possible. You live life the way I want to- with zest!!

    I love you, Gerrie and wish I could be there to toast you with a wonderful glass of wine and give you a BIG hug!!


  10. Terri says:

    You Go Girl!

  11. Denise says:

    Happy, happy birthday….may your spark always glow.

  12. Jeannie says:

    Ditto to everything said before me. Your zest for life is what first attracted me to your blog. You remind me of my Grandmother -NO, because of your age – LOL!, but in your determination to live everyday to its fullest with joy, laughter, and creativity. I too want to be just like you when I grow up, but I’d better get moving on that! Celebrate all month long! Cheers.

  13. Kristin L says:

    “I feel healthier today than I did 5 years ago. I have more energy and more zest for life” says it all. You are to be admired for all that you have accomplished and like Natalya, I want to be like you when I grow up too. 🙂 I’ve been enjoying reading about your birthday all over the blogosphere and look forward to more fun details. Happy, happy birthday (and to prolong it even a bit more, I suspect my small package will arrive mid-week).

  14. rayna says:

    You look gorgeous, Gerrie — and not one day more than 60. May you live to 120 years.

  15. Judy says:

    p.s. Where was that first picture taken? I’m assuming somewhere in upstate New York?

  16. Judy says:

    Happy Birthday Dear Cyber Friend!

    When I look at that last pic of you, I feel like I’m back in Coupeville! LOL We both spent so much of our free time on our respective laptops. In retrospect, I had hoped that you were not escaping from me, but that photo tells me that that is how you relax and that we were both comfortable enough with eachother that we could be ourselves…and that is a very good thing.

    I loved your entire commentary on turning 70. Each and every minute, hour, day is a gift, but when your gene pool tells you that your life expectancy is shorter than average and you DEFY it, that is surely reason to celebrate BIG TIME!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!

    Warmest of Hugs!!

  17. Reva says:

    Happy birthday on the actual day, dear Gerrie. I’m so glad we’re neighbors, because that led, kinda sorta, to our becoming friends. A big hug from Rural Street!

  18. Natalya says:

    HAPPY HAPPY! when i grow up can i be you?

  19. Dale Anne says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gerrie! and I look forward to many more years of knowing you…….maybe one day finally meeting in person.