about the artist

Second Thursday

STASH stands for second Thursday at someone’s house. Sometimes, we actually meet then! Yesterday, we met at Gale’s new home. She has moved back from Astoria on the coast. She has a serious medical condition that requires drug infusions here in Portland. We are so happy to have her back in the hood!! Her home is perfect for a wheel-chair — one floor — with easy access to her beautiful backyard.

The group treated me to a really lovely birthday gift. This book of photographs of creches from all over the world. I love it.

Terry gave me this lovely lily and Gale gave me some roses from her new backyard.

I finally got around to giving Reva her gift from the APNQ show. She couldn’t go with us so I promised her a pressie. It was a half yard of this fabric. She said her husband thought it was hysterical.

Gale’s new home is near the Oregon College of Arts and Crafts (OCAC) where there is wonderful cafe. We went there for lunch. I couldn’t resist a photo of this fence in the parking lot. I don’t know about you, but I see quilt!!

I have to run; I have crit group in an hour and I am not even dressed.

7 Responses to “Second Thursday”

  1. joan says:

    Happy Birthday to you!

  2. Diane D. says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GERRIE! I hope you have a wonderful day.

  3. Vivien Zepf says:

    Happy Birthday! The fence pic is totally cool. Might need to borrow the Art of the Creche book idea for my MIL; she’s love it.

  4. Judy says:

    What a beautiful book! I love the quilt fence too……….maybe Kristin and I can get a buzz saw and split it down the middle? You say no to that? Awe come on, where’s your sense of humor! LOL
    I’m so glad to read that Gale has moved back to Portland! You told me about her while we were at Coupeville and I recall your concern. Good move and great friends to return to! What a group!!

    oh and Happy Birthday!!


  5. Deborah says:

    I’ve seen that creche book, it is beautiful. Isn’t it wonderful to have friends that really KNOW you and give such thoughtful gifts. Happy birthday!

  6. Helen Conway says:

    Fabolous fence indeed

  7. Kristin L says:

    That quilt fence is fantastic!! I want one in my yard. Well, OK, not this yard, but another one that I’ll probably have one day. It looks very “green” too, being made of old palettes.