about the artist

Father’s Day and Fun with M & M


This is my favorite picture of my Dad. That is me on the right in the cape and ribbons in my hair. He is holding my brother Frank and that is my sister, Jean,on the left. I was probably 5 years old. My dad fit the New England farmer prototype, strong and silent. I used to call home and if he answered, he would immediately hand the phone to my mom. All of the grandchildren adored him. After he retired from farming,he still had a small farm where he raised a few animals and had an incredible vegetable garden.His strawberries and raspberries and gladiolas were legendary. After my mom died, he became more talkative. I enjoyed my visits with him. As the first born, I was named after him – Gerald. but everyone knew him as Jake. I have wonderful memories of my dad. I used to go on errands with him.I stood on the seat of the old Ford truck, with my arm around his neck. My dad had no enemies. Every one who knew him, loved and admired him.

Another great Dad is Mr. C. He is also the best grandpa. Here he is playing ball with M & M this


They stayed overnight with us and instead of reading them a bedtime story, he makes up stories about cows who play violins and have picnics. Our children remember fondly the stories of Hans who made a living giving people rides on his bicycle handlebars. His own father was very distant and Mr C made a vow that he would be a hands on, down to earth Grandpa and he has succeeded!

Here are some more pics of our fun day with M & M. Click to see larger images.

Miafeedsducks  Miapark



Miloslide   Miasliddw

Miloplayball  Milosqings  Eastmorelandgardene

We saw some baby ducks…


and a wedding party …


and on the way home, we saw this beautiful Magnolia…


I have managed to get some crosses satin stitched. It is slow going. Tomorrow we are all driving up to a lookout where you can get a pretty good view of Mt. St. Helen’s. We will have a picnic and celebrate the fathers in our lives.

7 Responses to “Father’s Day and Fun with M & M”

  1. Judy Bianchi says:

    Finally got a minute to look at your blog. Loved your cross quilt. Carlene and I went to qsds and had a fantastic time. You have to come and do it with us next year. 4th session. Will send info if you are interested.

  2. Judy says:

    What fun memories of your Dad! My Craig also loved to tell stories to our Kristin at night…they were called the “King KC Stories”. Her nickname was KC and the stories included Princess Daddy and Queen Mommy! We still talk about those stories from time to time, and I often wonder if those King KC stories didn’t empower her at a very young age!
    I am guessing that you are rejoicing, as am I, at the election of our new Presiding Bishop! WooHoo!!!!

  3. DebR says:

    My dad used to do that same phone thing! Now we talk every week, but we almost never talked on the phone before Mom died.

    I love all the pics!

  4. teri says:

    Great post Gerrie.


  5. Terry Grant says:

    I love the picture of your Dad. All properly dressed in white shirt and vest down in the grass with the kids. He looks like the kind of guy the kids just wanted to crawl all over. Your Dad sounds a bit like mine–the strong, silent type. My Dad always handed the phone to Mom, too!

  6. janet says:

    What a nice story about your dad. He sounds like a wonderful guy. I also used to have the nickname of Jake! I guess because my first initials are JK??
    The photos of your day with M&M are fun….and what a beautiful magnolia.

  7. mary manahan says:

    Great photo of your dad and sibs….you were (and are) a doll! Sounds like you’re going to have a wonderful Father’s Day. We’re going to go bike riding and eat ribs for dinner.