about the artist

Shibori Scarf Workshop


I think you can consider yourself successful when your students do better work than you do!! Above are a few of the first round of dyeing.

Everyone had such a good time. I brought extra scarves and so everyone did a second and some whent for thirds.

Here is the one I did to show them how to. I used scarlet (which is really fuchsia and I added some black to it), green and black. After it was unwrapped, I spritzed it with some chartreuse.


Here is some student work during the first round. This is Lindsey from Bend, she is the sister of Katy who you will see later.



This is Forrest, my lone guy student. He was making gifts for family members. He did some beautiful work.



Here are photos of the second and third rounds. You can see that they just got better and better.



The reveal. When there is a lot of white showing, I had them add more dye with a brush or eye dropper. Kayla did a beautiful job on touching this up. I didn’t get an after photo.


Painting with blue dye.


Adding some green.


Love this – wish I had photographed the reveal.


This was a chiffon scarf done by Katy. She used chartreuse and black with some dribbles of yellow.


Here is the reveal. It is really gorgeous.


Nice dye painting.


The reveal of Joan’s second scarf. (That is Katy in the background.)


Here is Lindsey again. This coral and black was stunning.


This was loads of fun and very gratifying to see what my students could do. I think they are all going to order some dye and scarves and play at home.

I must get cleaned up and order pizza to take to the Barnes’ home for some Halloween fun with the M & M.

8 Responses to “Shibori Scarf Workshop”

  1. Katy Qualman says:

    I had such a good time, and I know that my friend Lindsay did as well. It is so nice for those of us who are not one bit artistic or talented to be able to create something lovely. Thank you, Gerrie, and I hope to take another class from you soon!


  2. Barbara Bracken says:

    Gerrie & all students. I am So Proud of all of you. What a great morning this must have been. Congratulations on some beautiful scarves, obviously lots of fun and new friends. Thanks so much Gerrie for hosting and hope you’ll chose another class date ASAP. You’ve done a great job. Can’t wait to see the actual products.

  3. Jen Anderson says:

    Wish I lived nearby. I would have loved being in that class, the results are truly gorgeous!

  4. Mary Manahan says:

    Oh that looks like fun…one more reason I wish I lived in Portland sometimes…

  5. Jeannie says:

    Wow! They really created some beautiful scarves! You must be a fantastic instructor. Have fun tonight.

  6. Sherryl says:

    These are terrific! I suspect lots of us will be buying more product! Good for the economy. Looks like you all had a fabulous time. Brava teacher!

  7. kathy says:

    Bravo! Excellent work and gorgeous scarves.

  8. Fantastic results, Gerrie! Your students did good, which means you did as well 😀 Brava! (I want to play with fabrics and paints and dyes…pouting beader here!)