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Half a Day of Sunshine

I am a little miffed that Mr Sun did not show up until afternoon today. I find that sunshine this time of year gives me a needed burst of energy. So I had a slow start getting work done in my studio. I made the above piece for the Sketchbook Project. I named it Moody Blues.

I have been thinking about the layout for my silk aspen piece. I want to do something different so I am trying to show some aspens in the middle ground in addition to some in the foreground. I also have a problem making the first cut into the aspen fabric. I finally did it. This is what I came up with today. I will be adding leaves that will help with the depth and trunk placement. I’m wondering if I should make the foreground trunks heavier.

I fused the organza to silk fabric. I love how it looks. It gives the organza such a nice texture.

Tonight, I started scrunching and folding t-shirts and onesies to tie-dye in the next couple of days. I am taking them to the family reunion next month for all the great nieces and nephews. Speaking of which, a new great niece entered the world today. Her name is Gwen Charlotte. Her mom is my niece Jennifer.

Isn’t she beautiful? Her big sister loves purple so they will both get purple and pink tie-dyes.

5 Responses to “Half a Day of Sunshine”

  1. rayna says:

    Yes! yes! Everything on your blog today is beautiful…but nothing can compete with that baby. She is beyond beautiful.

  2. Jeannie says:

    What an adorable bundle of goodness! The aspens are great. Please send some of the cloudy, coolness up river!!! Have a great rest of the week.

  3. Pammyfay says:

    I love the aspens! (Have never seen them in real life–so for now this is a good substitute!)
    Thank you for taking us along on your voyage of creativity.
    (Pls give Scooter a brisk scratch behind the ears for me!)

  4. dee says:

    How sweet she looks. Such a darling face.
    If you made the trunks bigger would it throw off the blance of the layout? It just feels like that to me. The background fabric is really beautiful.

  5. Francoise says:

    Congrats on the new great niece! She’s beautiful.
    I like the new aspen piece. I’m not sure the foreground trees should be heavier.
    And of course I like your blue fiber collage too.