about the artist

Deadline Met

The Stormy Aspen Landscape is done except for satin stitching the edges. I am quite happy with it. I found the perfect thread in my stash. The colorway was French Country which seemed appropriate for the colors of this. I ran to the store and picked up another spool — good thing because the spool ran out tonight. You can click on it to get a closer look at the stitching.

I got the facing done on Aspen Grove piece. I think this looks quite good too. My art quilt group was surprised at the size of the aspen quilts that I have made. This one is 50″ high.

So tomorrow, I will burn a cd and get it in the mail and on to the next show. It is the season for entering shows — often an exercise in futility!!

It has been a hard day as I have had another horrendous headache. I guess it is a sinus thing. I am getting so tired of this. I see the ENT doc on Tuesday to discuss having surgery.

9 Responses to “Deadline Met”

  1. Karoda says:

    the back ground on the top quilts is beautiful and mysterious! I hope you’re not pushing youself too too much as I can’t imagine being half as productive as you when I’m at my best! hangeh in there!

  2. Judy says:

    Two lovely new pieces! YUMMMM!
    Like Laura, I can’t even begin to imagine how magnificent your work would be if you weren’t distracted with those darned sinus issues. I’m so glad that you are seeing the Doc on Tuesday. Get that surgery scheduled ASAP!!!
    Great pieces!


  3. This is a wonderful series. Such a good way to explore color and mood, eh? I like the scale of the work and would like to see it!
    The Portland climate doesn’t quite agree with you allergy-wise, does it? I wish you weren’t dealing with the sinus stuff, it’s so draining of energy.
    feel better soon.

  4. Kristin L says:

    Very nice. I like the stormy variation on your theme. Cool fabrics. Good luck with the show entry. 🙂

  5. connie says:

    Gerrie, The Aspen quilts are beautiful and congratulations on having your work in the SDA newsletter today. Don’t feel that sending quilts is futile – remember that the judging is usually one person’s opinion under one set of circumstances.

  6. Sue Reno says:

    Beautiful work, Gerrie, love the moods they both invoke. Good luck with the entries!

  7. jenclair says:

    Such a nice contrast — storm and fair weather. Great job with the colors which evoke the mood of each piece!

  8. SewLindaAnn says:

    Beautiful work. Good luck in entering your quilts!

  9. Francoise says:

    Sorry to hear about this sinus thing bothering you again.
    Love the new quilts.