about the artist

This and That

I have been dealing with the heat and struggling with this piece that is on my design wall. have you ever gotten an idea for something in your brain and then struggled to see it come to life? I had this idea for a simple abstracted aspen landscape, but was having trouble with the fabrics.

Last night, my art quilt group, High Fiber Diet, met here for a potluck and celebration of our great year and our new members. It was a lot of fun. Bonnie Bucknam, our fearless leader, dyes fabric and sells it under the moniker, Handwerks Textiles. She always brings her latest collection to entice us. I bought this bundle, titled Storm Watch.

I used a couple of these fabrics with some I already had in my stash. I think I am getting somewhere with this. I am calling this piece Stormy Aspens.

It was really hot yesterday, and they were doing noisy construction work on the road behind us. The house was vibrating from the machinery. I soldiered through with the help of Mr C and we got the house ready for guests. We put out fans and turned on the AC, which is not that efficient. By dinner time, it had cooled off quite a bit and some of us ate on the deck.

I received this postcard for the Blurred Boundaries Show. I shipped my two quilts on Monday. You can click on this to see it larger.

I just found out that 50 quilts were submitted, 2o were accepted from 12 artists. I am quite happy to be a part of this show with some great fiber artists.

Today was farmer’s market day. Here is by take home:

I finally got a new fiber sketch done.

I don’t usually stitch these. I think the stitching makes the aspens come alive so this seems a bit lifeless to me.

3 Responses to “This and That”

  1. Judy says:

    Yayyy: congrats on Blurred Boundaries! How cool is that postcard?!!


  2. Bonnie says:

    Thanks for the referral. I’m working on the September Handwerk Fabric Club selection today!
    Handwerk Textiles

  3. kathy says:

    I like the layered background…it is quite lovely.