about the artist

. . .


Argh! This crud virus won’t go away. I managed to slog my way through much of the computer data stuff for the SDA conference registrations. I finished the online credit card authorizations late today. I still have to update the SDA database. But that is not as time sensitive as getting the money!!

I pulled myself together so that we could go to the theatre tonight. We saw “Portland, the Musical” performed by the Sunnyside School third graders. Mia had several roles — narrator, suffragette and Irish dancer. She did this drawing of a Blue Heron which was on the cover of the program — another budding artist!!


The third graders of the Portland School District study Portland during the year. An incredibly sainted man, who happens to be a teacher’s spouse and a musician, has written this musical that traces important events from the Multnomah Indians to the flood of 1996. He goes to each school and plays the piano and directs the children. I learned a lot about the city tonight. Portland got its name by a flip of a coin. It was named after Portland, ME, it could have been Boston.

So that is all the excitement that I have to report. Tomorrow, I am going to the STASH meeting. We are going to plan our spring retreat  – yippee.

And, thank you so much for all the good thoughts and wishes. I just haven’t had time to answer e-mails or to post on blogs. Hope you all understand. You all rock!!

8 Responses to “. . .”

  1. Hattie says:

    Naomi’s remarks sent me here. A former Portlander now living in Hawaii, I loved hearing about your community activities. And also, I love your art work.

  2. Jeannie says:

    Maxine sums it up pretty well. Glad you are feeling better. The crud went through here in early Dec. and it hung on for weeks. Not enough to make you crawl into bed, but just feel lousy. Sincerely hope this isn’t the case with you. Mia is amazing! Take care.

  3. Kristin L says:

    Lovely drawing by Mia. Like the others said, there’s no rush, so take it easy and get better. 🙂

  4. Judy says:

    I am just blown away by Mia’s drawing!!! I’m so glad that she is in such an art-nurturing environment!
    Take it slow and easy. Maxine is great!


  5. jenclair says:

    These things do tend to hang on, so rest often. Mia is perhaps a budding actress as well as artist!

  6. PaMdora says:

    That cartoon is exactly how I feel! So sorry that you got sick for your opening, that stinks! But I’m glad that it went well and that you touched some new people with your art. That’s what it’s all about!

    I hope you don’t have what I have, seems like a head and chest cold, but it’s been over two weeks now, bleeeck! Friend told me about some Chinese herb that I’m trying but R says it made from worms and fungi. Lovely thought!

  7. dee says:

    I’m just happy you’re feeling better. Take it slow and easy.
    Mia has the gift!

  8. Thanks, Gerri,

    Your posting about this really helped me on a blogpost I just did. Mia is a very talented young woman! Loved her illustration too.

    -naomi, a visiting grandma from new york city