about the artist

Emotional Roller Coaster

I started the day in a sour mood. I planned to go to my studio and purge it of the piles of fabric and stuff from my last two projects. But, I got distracted. I worked some more on the Klee Castles. I  putzed around with one of the two chartreuse pieces. It needed something else. I did a Constant Contact newsletter for one of the SDA reps.  I moped and got teary eyed.

I am so tired of my clothes, cooking and shopping the same old food, the lousy weather.  My sinuses are blooming because I am in that vortex of winter molds and spring pollen. Mr C is coping by immersing himself in designing our new deck. If I didn’t have my art, I would really be a nut case!!

Today, I got an e-mail that Prairie Fields was accepted into PAQA South ArtquiltsMovement. I wrote an artist statement about zooming across the heartland in a plane and taking a photo that inspired this piece. I thought it was a stretch, but Yay!, I got in.

That turned my day around. I posted it on Facebook and received lots of affirmations from my friends. Tonight, I was finishing work on Klee’s Castles and felt really happy. I love this fabric that I put on the back.

I think I will donate this piece to the SAQA auction.

The first photo up there are some photo-shopped photos for the next piece I want to do which will be the Portland skyline with a sunset sky. It is a view that we often see from our side of the river. Under the sketches is part of the mess that I still need to clean up.

8 Responses to “Emotional Roller Coaster”

  1. Judith Glover says:

    The jurors chose work that showed movement in the composition of the piece. When I look at this piece I also see lots of movement. Congratulations, Judith Glover, VP of PAQA-S.

  2. rayna says:

    Isn’t it wonderful when you get unexpected good news and it just turns your day around??? I can’t even talk about my roller coaster week; must be something in the air. Glad yours is on the up side — hope it stays there.
    Sending big hugs.

  3. Kristin L says:

    I think the Klee Castles will be a great addition to the SAQA auction! And I am so glad your day turned around.

  4. Congratulations, Gerrie. Thanks for your honesty. A virtual hug to you.

  5. dee says:

    Hi Gerrie,
    Love the Klee piece. It’s a fun piece to look at. Great details.
    I hope your weather is getting better. I’m sure it will help with your mood. We are finally having spring and it makes everything easier to tolerate. Just seeing green instead of white perks me right up!
    Congrats on Prairie Fields.

  6. “I am so tired of my clothes, cooking and shopping the same old food …”
    I hear you, Gerrie, although the weather has been very nice here this past week.

  7. Jeannie says:

    I love Karen’s comment! It really describes the roller coaster days. This weather is driving me nuts! I am so elated that your piece was accepted into PAQA show. It was one of the highlights to my day. Wishing you warmer, less tumultuous days.

  8. Karoda says:

    I call these kind of days when the emotions are all over the place, the “being fully human”…more wide than deep…but it sounds like you’re ending it on a note as bright as the fabrics 🙂