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I’m Back!

Monday, January 20th, 2020

It has been a while since I have blogged. I am going to try to post a couple of times a week, maybe more. Last year, I took part in a SAQA Facebook activity called 100 days of creativity. Every day, I did some embroidery on a 5 inch square of indigo. These are the 100 squares. I hope to figure out how I want to connect them to make one large quilt. Stay tuned to see how that happens.

A New Year and A New Me

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

As I posted on the last day of 2016, my word for 2017 is action. I plan to take action on many fronts. Today was my first day to put it all in action. I got so much done and no back ache which is what has kept me from doing much for several months. Today’s activity involved some sorting and purging on the clothing front and also a trip to pick up some supplies to make Maria Shell’s Oven Mitts.

Our STASH Christmas party/lunch got postponed because of winter weather so I have not been able to show you what I made for them, yet. Soon!

We enjoyed a quick trip to California to spend some time with our effervescent granddaughter, Paige, and her Mom and Dad.

She wore the coming and going Winnie the Pooh sweater for me. The photo is blurry because she hardly stays still.

Jayme had a 28 hour shift in the NICU at Stanford Children’s Hospital so we went for a hike with Mark and Paige to the Palo Alto Baylands Nature Preserve. It was in the 60s and we had a great time.

I love this collage of a photo of trees that I made using the Prisma app on my phone.

Speaking of my phone, I found out that mine was eligible for a battery replacement. I took it to the Apple store near my son’s home. When they replaced the battery, something happened to my phone camera so they gave me a brand new one. Pretty cool.

I managed to finish and mount the wool stitch along with Laura Wasilowski.

I am scared and angry about our narcissist president, but I plan to find joy in my daily life by being creative and loving to those I encounter. I will also resist and dissent against what ever is coming from Washington.

Happy New Year to all my readers. Thank you for staying with me.

Kind of Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, November 9th, 2016


New Studio Update

Thursday, October 27th, 2016


Here is my corner of the new studio. There is space for me to work on the cutting table and then my print and ironing table is closest in this photo. My paint caddy is to the left of my work space. There is a utility sink for us to use in the common area.


I should explain how this space is set up. We are sub-letting the ground floor of a live/work space. The upper two floors, which would normally be the living space, are occupied by a group of women who make wedding gowns and do other wedding related activities.

Our space had to be sectioned off from the entry area and a room where they meet with brides and their entourage. We contemplated having walls built which would have included a design wall for me. That proved to be expensive and would have a big time lag. So, instead we hung off white draperies from poles that hang from the ceiling. Lisa needed the wall space for her paintings. She rented this space to do her fine art painting. Here is the space showing her work in progress. My space is just to the right of where I was standing when I took the photo. You can click on photos to see larger versions.


There is a wall of windows which limits wall space but gives nice daylight. Lisa works in this area, too.


Mr C took some of the shelves from my old studio and put them up for Lisa to have for storage.


The actual footprint for my studio stuff is smaller, but it is a big room where I can breathe and move things out when I need more space. We are going to make a portable design wall with insulation and pvc pipe that will be double sided and can be moved easily.

I always had a problem with parking in my old studio. I have never had a problem here. It also has air conditioning for the summer. I love that there are other creatives coming and going.

Today, I finished an old project as my first project in the new space. I used some deColourant Plus which is discharge paste with color added.


I started this t-shirt a while ago as a demo that I did for a guild group. Today, I added color to the rest of the letters which is freezer paper ironed on to the shirt.


This is not a very good photo, but you get the idea.


So, I am gearing up to get some work done.



Checking In

Tuesday, October 11th, 2016


I have not posted new blog entries for a bit as I am in the throes of moving my studio. I am knitting when I can get a few spare moments. My niece, who is a huge Hillary supporter, sent me the link for the above knit cap with the Hillary logo.

I have been running into the studio to purge and organize all my stuff. The space that I will share with my daughter is not a lot bigger than I have now, but more open and I will be able to have a decent sized design wall. I will share photos and more progress as we move along. I hope that this will jump start my creative life.