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Archive for the ‘Trinity Arts’ Category

Something Finished

Friday, January 4th, 2013


It has been another busy day. But, I am happy to say that I have the Illuminated Rosales ready to deliver to Trinity tomorrow. It has been a while since I was working on this. This piece sort of evolved and went in a direction I didn’t originally plan, but I think it is an interesting piece, none the less. Here is the original photo:



I am quite pleased with the backing that I used. I had a rather large piece of industrial felt which I cut larger than the finished quilt. I Mistyfused the felt and the back of the quilt to give a better adhesion.






After the quilt was fused to the felt, I carefully rotary cut the edges to the same size.



We bought some aluminum bars at Home Depot and cut them to size. On one, we drilled holes a half inch from each end. I had a bit of a problem finding the right glue, but my local mixed media store had E6000 epoxy which Jane Dunnewold recommends in her tutorial. I glued one bar, with the holes to the top. The ends with the holes are not glued so that the holes can be accessed for hanging.




The other bar was glued to the bottom to help the quilt hang straight. I fused a label, and I was done. The fusing makes for a nice tight bond on the edges so I did no other finishing.



I was so busy doing this and gearing up for the SDA registration to start next week, that I almost forgot to do my drawing. I hope I have time to work on the drawing a bit more once the registration is underway.



This is a drawing of a very bruised pear.

I still have a scratchy throat, but I seem to be able to keep going. Tomorrow, I will be helping to text the new online registration system. Hopefully, it will go live on Monday.



Down to the Wire

Friday, November 30th, 2012

This last of the yell0w-orange series was done with some copper foil from Martha Stewart crafts. I ran out of silver foil and went out in search of a substitute. Found some in the MS sections of Michaels which was to be applied with a special glue and then burnishing. It did not work. So I tried a piece of the copper foil with Wonder Under  for this. It worked!

Here is the almost finished organ piece. It is so hard to photograph reflective stuff so trust me that this looks better in person than in this photo. I also need to redo the piece of filigree at the bottom of the piece. I wasn’t happy with the one I had cut. I will do that and finish the edges, probably with a facing and call it done.

Here is the photo that I was working from:

It is not quite what I envisioned, but close enough.

I can’t believe that it is December, tomorrow. We have a busy week-end. Symphony tomorrow night and Bach Christmas at Trinity on Sunday.

Have a good one.


Friday, November 16th, 2012

Where did this week go? I started the month feeling ahead of the game, but things are getting out of hand very quickly. Turkey day is next week – at least I have the turkey ordered.

This morning I drove out to Clackamas to pick up my new red glasses. I really like them, and I got rave reviews tonight when I saw a bunch of friends. Here is my smiley face.

Tonight we had the opening of our holiday show at Trinity. The crafts are mainly from Palestine. We have friends who were on the Israel trip with us a few years ago. When the husband retired from his medical practice, they started going to Jerusalem for 6 months out of the year where he volunteered in a hospital, working with new doctors. She volunteers with one of the groups that made some of the things we have for sale. I bought this  felted nativity scene which was made by the young people in this group, some of which have Down’s Syndrome.

I love it!!

This afternoon when I was down in the studio, I looked at the organ piece in daylight and decided it was not as bad as I thought. I think the quilting is coming together. Sometimes, we get to close to our work when it is a bit tedious. I just need to get past the tedious part. I will be back at it tomorrow.

Getting Around and Up and Down

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

I have to admit that using the cane seems to be working. And, I am getting quite speedy and adept at walking the dog and handling the cane, the leash and my iPhone camera.  I am still trying to limit going up and down stairs too often. I am hoping that I can get the hip healed and be back to normal.

I went down to the studio this afternoon to get back to quilting the organ piece. I have to admit that I am not enjoying the kind of quilting that I am doing on this. I am having to do a lot of frog stitching – rip it, rip it. I want to get the base quilted so that I can move on to the embellishments.

Look at this cute knitted doll that I purchased at out Trinity Artisans Fair last week-end. Linda, who knits these, has no pattern. She just freeform knits these adorable critters. I bet you can guess who it is for.

Every December, Trinity Arts has an art or craft show of work to support third world artists. This year, we have items made by Palestinian and Armenian artisans. We have the opening tomorrow night. All of the proceeds go back to the artists. I am looking forward to seeing what we will have. In the meantime, I will be quilting.

You might like to check out the beautiful things that my daughter Stephanie has for sale in the 3191 Apart shop.

Hand-dyed silk and leather leaves.

Plaid silk and wool pinecones – totally hand cut and stitched. Aren’t they gorgeous?


Starting Something New

Tuesday, October 9th, 2012

I finished the edges of the Kelp Dance piece and it is ready to photograph and submit to PAQA South Artquiltswater.

Trinity has one of the best organs in the country, from the Rosales Organ company. It is 25 years old, and we are having lots of celebrations over the coming year. One event is a juried art show with the theme, A Lively Wind That Woke Creation. Artists can go with the wind theme or create some aspect of the organ. I decided to do a piece using the organ pipes as a design element.

I took this photo with my iPhone.

I then played around with different crops and came up with this one that I like.

I played around with the photo in Photoshop Elements.

Here are the fabrics that I have pulled out to work with.

I want to play with the shapes in the photo and not be realistic with the colors. I am looking forward to having some fun with this.